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  1. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Management Response: 89-Management Response and Addendum (English)

    ...child labor as one of the major social issues during its implementation support missions and has accordingly focused on Borrower compliance with the child labor legal covenant. Each Bank implementation support mission has discussed the issue of child labor and the need to adhere to national child labor laws with the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Restructuring Agency (RRA), and PFIs. Each implementation support mission monitors Borrower and PFI compliance with their obligation to check for child...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  2. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Filing: 89-Request for Inspection (English and Russian)

    ...child labor and forced labor, by incorporating into its safeguard policies the core labor standards as defined by the ILO. Bank safeguards should prohibit the use of forced labor or the worst forms of child labor in all Bank projects, as well as in activities that may benefit either directly, or indirectly, from Bank funds. Safeguard policies should work towards the elimination of all forms of child labor, taking into account the distinction between forced child labor and other forms of child la...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  3. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Eligibility: 89-Eligibility Report and Recommendation (English)

    ...child labor. 83. The SA contains some description of the issue of child labor, but the Panel considers that this assessment may raise important issues of policy compliance. The SA includes one paragraph on child labor. It notes that the recent work of UNICEF and the SA showed the lack of the worst forms of child labor, but then adds that the labor of 12-18 year olds is used when districts/provinces cannot fulfill their plan of cotton picking. It concludes ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  4. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Eligibility: 89 - Final Eligibility Report (English)

    ...child labor is practiced, the Project contributes to "the Government's policy of organized forced and child labor." The Requesters argue that all farms in Uzbekistan are tied to the State cotton harvesting system and its reliance on forced and child labor. They claim that a direct harm from the perpetuation of the system of forced and child labor is the strain on public services (including essential medical care and education). They also claim that systemic use of forced labor hinders the qualit...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  5. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Management Action Plan: 89-Management Progress Report

    ...child and forced labor. Uzbekistan is a signatory of ILO Convention No. 138 on Minimum Age for Admission to Employment (since 2009), Convention No. 182 on the Prohibition and Immediate Action for Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor (since 2008), Convention No. 105 on Abolition of Forced Labor (since 1997), and Convention No. 29 on Forced Labor (since 1992). In addition, Uzbekistan’s domestic legislation includes a number of provisions prohibiting child and forced labor, some of which a...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  6. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Management Action Plan: 89-Second Management Progress Report(English)

    ...labor in cotton harvesting 15. The monitoring concluded that there was no systematic use of child labor during the 2015 harvest. Some isolated cases of child labor were identified, but data collected through the monitoring effort showed that child labor had become socially unacceptable, and knowledge of its prohibition was widespread. Nonetheless, TPM during future harvests should continue to cover use of child labor so as to discourage any potential backsliding. Improving Third Party Monit...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  7. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Registration: 89-Notice of Registration (English)

    ...labor and child labor is a result of the Government's control of the cotton industry. According to the Requesters, it is the authorities, not the farmers , who force children and adults to work in the cotton fields. They add that despite national laws prohibiting forced labor and child labor and commitments in international conventions concerning forced labor and child labor, the Government continues to forcibly mobilize children and adults to work in the cotton fields. The Requesters also add ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  8. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Eligibility: 89-Отчет и рекомендации Инспекционного совета (на русском)

    ...Child labor: issues and directions for the World Bank”, Peter Fallon and Zafiris Tzannatos, 1998, Executive Summary, pp. vi-viii. 26 Неофициальный перевод с английского между фермерами и Финансовыми организациями, будет расширено, и в него будет также включено условие, касающееся принудительного труда взр...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  9. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Management Response: 89-Ответ руководства Банка (на русском)

    ...Children Cotton A group of civil society activists has called for immediate boycott of Uzbek cotton produced by forced child labour. - 64k - Cached - Similar pages Узбекистан: призыв к бойкотированию хлопка, собранного с помощью рабского труда детей Группа активистов гражданского общества призвала к немедленному бойкоту узбекского хлопка, собранного с помощью принудительного труда детей. 66 ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013