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Showing Only EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > EPS Restructuring

    Timeline: Processing steps

    Updated: 10.04.2018 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Project Complaint Mechanism Request number: 2018/05 Project name: EPS Restructuring Project number: 47318 Country: Serbia Step Date Remarks 1. Complaint 2018/05 is 10 May 2018 registered according to PCM RPs 11-13. Relevant parties are informed. 2. Luc Zandvliet appointed ad 23 May 2018 hoc PCM Expert to cond...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Serbia
  2. Complaint > CMI Offshore

    Timeline: Processing steps

    Updated: 05.02.2019 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Project Complaint Mechanism Request number: 2017/10 Project name: CMI Offshore Project number: 47096 Country: Regional Step Date Remarks 1. Complaint 2017/10 received 19 October 2017 Complaint is received by by the PCM Officer. email. 2. Complaint 2017/10 is 20 October 2...

    EBRD Independent Project Accountability Mechanism - Regional
  3. Complaint > Lukoil Shah Deniz Stage II

    Timeline: Processing steps

    Updated: 08.05.2019 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Project Complaint Mechanism Request number: 2017/07 Project name: Lukoil Shah Deniz Stage II Project number: 46766 Country: Azerbaijan Step Date Remarks 1. Complaint 2017/07 received 5 September 2017 Complaint is received by by the PCM Officer. email. 2. Complaint 2017/07 is 6 ...

    EBRD Independent Project Accountability Mechanism - Azerbaijan
  4. Complaint > GEORGIA - Jvari-Khorga Interconnection

    Timeline: Processing steps

    Updated: 20.07.2018 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Project Complaint Mechanism Request number: 2017/02 Project name: GEORGIA - Jvari-Khorga Interconnection Project number: 45181 Country: Georgia Step Date Remarks 1. Complaint received by the 21 April 2017 Complaint is received by PCM Officer. email. 2. Complaint is register...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Georgia
  5. Complaint > Krnovo Wind Farm

    Timeline: Processing steps

    Updated: 28.03.2018 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Project Complaint Mechanism Request number: 2017/01 Project name: Krnovo Wind Farm Project number: 44546 Country: Montenegro Step Date Remarks 1. Complaint received by the 2 March 2017 Complaint is received by PCM Officer. email. 2. Complaint is registered 6 Mar...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Montenegro
  6. Complaint > EPS Restructuring

    Timeline: Processing steps

    Updated: 26 June 2017 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Project Complaint Mechanism Request number: 2016/01 Project name: EPS Restructuring Project number: 47318 Country: Serbia Step Date Remarks 1. Signed complaint received 16 February 2016 Complaint is received by by the PCM Officer. email. 2. Complaint is registered 23 Febr...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Serbia
  7. Complaint > Turk Traktor

    Timeline: Processing steps

    Updated: 11 April 2017 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Project Complaint Mechanism Request number: 2015/03 Project name: Turk Traktor Project number: 44173 Country: Turkey Step Date Remarks 1. Signed Complaint received 2 September 2015 Complaint is received by by PCM Officer. email. 2. Complaint is registered ...

    EBRD Independent Project Accountability Mechanism - Turkey
  8. Complaint > IPP4 Al-Manakher Power Project

    Timeline: Processing steps

    Updated: 4 January 2017 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Project Complaint Mechanism Request number: 2015/02 Project name: IPP4 Al-Manakher Power Project Project number: 44284 Country: Jordan Step Date Remarks 1. Signed Complaint received by 3 August 2015 Complaint is received by PCM Officer. email. 2. Complaint is register...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Jordan
  9. Complaint > Altain Khuder debt & equity

    Timeline: Processing steps

    Updated: 7 April 2017 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Project Complaint Mechanism Request number: 2015/01 Project name: Altain Khuder debt & equity Project number: 39581 & 43804 Country: Mongolia Step Date Remarks 1. Signed Complaint received 30 December 2014 Complaint is received by by PCM Officer. email. 2. Complaint is registere...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Mongolia
  10. Complaint > EPS Emergency Power Sector Reconstruction Loan, EPS Power II and EPS Kolubara Environmental Improvement

    Timeline: Processing steps

    Updated: 29 October 2015 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Project Complaint Mechanism Request number: 2013/03 Project name: EPS Emergency Power Sector Reconstruction Loan, EPS Power II and EPS Kolubara Environmental Improvement Project number: 17829, 27005 and 41923 Country: Serbia Step Date Remarks 1. The Complaint is received 1 October 2013 The Complainant was by...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Serbia
  11. Complaint > Ombla Hydro Power Plant

    Timeline: Processing steps

    Updated: 2 January 2014 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Project Complaint Mechanism Request number: 2011/06 Project name: Ombla HPP Project number: 42219 Country: Croatia Step Date Remarks 1. The complaint is received 17 November 2011 Complaint received by email. by the PCM Officer 2. Complaint is registered 24 November 2011 according to PCM, RP10. Relevant partie...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Croatia
  12. Complaint > Boskov Most Hydro Power

    Timeline: Processing steps

    Updated: 2 January 2014 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Project Complaint Mechanism Request number: 2011/05 Project name: Boskov Most Hydro Power Project number: 41979 Country: FYR Macedonia Step Date Remarks 1. The complaint is received 07 November 2011 Complaint received by email. by the PCM Officer. 2. Complaint is registered 14 November 2011 according to PC...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Macedonia
  13. Complaint > EPS Restructuring

    Monitoring: Compliance Review Monitoring Report II

    ...request public sector Board reports directly via PCM considers all Actions under this Complaint completed. Action 1a Implementation update Bank Management will develop a guidance The guidance note was developed involving all note on managing requests for public sector relevant Bank colleagues. Bankwatch were Board Reports in consultation with all consulted on this complaint and guidance note relevant teams in the Bank, i...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Serbia
  14. Complaint > EPS Restructuring

    Monitoring: Compliance Review Monitoring Report I

    ...requests for public sector relevant Bank colleagues. Bankwatch were Board Reports in consultation with all consulted on this complaint and guidance note relevant teams in the Bank, including ESD. It and asked specifically the information that they will include clarifying the timetable to are interested in when requesting a Board Report. respond and an oversight function to make This response is included in the guidance note. sure timing requirements are met....

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Serbia
  15. Complaint > Tbilisi Railway Bypass 4

    Eligibility: Eligibility Assessment Report

    ...REQUEST NUMBER: 2011/04 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On 16 March 2011 the PCM Officer received a complaint (“Complaint”) from Mrs Nino Saginashvili (“Complainant”), a resident of Avchala settlement, one of the areas on the proposed bypass route on Tbilisi Railway Bypass Project (“Project)”. The Complaint was registered on 24 March 2011 and the PCM Expert Dr Walter Leal was appointed to act as Eligibility Assessor, together with the PCM Officer. The Complainant re...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Georgia
  16. Complaint > D1 motorway Phase I

    Timeline: Processing steps

    Updated: 18 May 2011 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Project Complaint Mechanism Request number: 2010/01 Project name: D1 motorway Phase I Project number: 39007 Country: Slovak Republic Step Date Remarks 1. The complaint is received by 07 June 2010 Electronic version of the complaint the PCM Officer emailed to the PCM. 2. Compl...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Slovakia
  17. Complaint > EPS Kolubara Environmental Improvement

    Eligibility: Eligibility Assessment Report

    ...President, replacing Mr. Zeljko Stojkovic, who signed the Complaint as President of the Council at the time the Complaint was submitted to the PCM. Although the composition of the Council has changed since the elections, the issues raised in the Complaint are very similar to those presented to the Client by the current President of the Vreoci Council as noted in the minutes from two meetings attended by representatives from the Council, the Company and others. In a meeting held on 2 February, 20...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Serbia
  18. Complaint > Dariali HPP

    Filing: Complaint (English)

    ...President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, calling for suspension of large and other hydro-power development projects, including Dariali HPP, that pose a serious threat to the environment and livelihoods; December 21, 2011; See In Georgian: In English: 5. Green Alternative issued and disseminated the fact sheet “How Tergi River is Be...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Georgia
  19. Complaint > Altain Khuder debt & equity

    Monitoring: Compliance Review Monitoring Report II

    ...request that this item is closed. operations, EBRD’s monitoring and reporting requirements would be re-established and an assessment of current status against the ESAP commitments would need to be undertaken. Under such a development, EBRD would promptly request and implement monitoring events that would likely 5 include a s...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Mongolia
  20. Complaint > Ombla Hydro Power Plant

    Monitoring: Monitoring report V

    Ombla Hydropower Project REQUEST NUMBER: 2011/06 Compliance Review Monitoring Report V – November 2016 The Project Complaint Mechanism (PCM) is the independent accountability mechanism of the EBRD. PCM provides an opportunity for an independent review of complaints from one or more individual(s) or organisation(s) concerning an EBRD project, which allegedly has caused, or is likely to cause harm. PCM may address Complaints through two functions: Compliance Review, which seeks to determine whet...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Croatia