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  1. Complaint > Vishnugad Pipalkoti Hydro Electric Project

    Eligibility: Inspection Panel Report and Recommendation (English)

    ...Vice President of the World Bank for South Asia Region which has 9 annexes. 3 construction related to the Project. Moreover, the Requesters believe the reservoir will “cause fog and disease” and that it will negatively impact land situated around the reservoir. 17. Livelihoods impact. The Requesters state the “dam will reduce the benefits people have from the river”, such as, for example, obtaining sand or fish from the river. They als...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2012
  2. Complaint > Private Power Generation Project

    Eligibility: 44-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Vice President and General Counsel to Edward S. Ayensu, Chair, Inspection Panel, March 5, 2002, entitled “Third and Fourth Power Projects and the Bujagali Hydropower Project in the Republic of Uganda: Legal Advice in Response to Request by Inspection Panel.” 14 development [in the Kalagala Falls] will be conditional upon a satisfactory Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)”. In other words, as with the prior prop...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uganda - 2007
  3. Complaint > Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project for Low Income States - Second Request

    Management Response: Management Response (English)

    ...vices to rural areas where such services are now non-existent. It targets poor populations, areas where water sources are contaminated, and areas with high tribal populations. The MVSs introduce a new service level in rural areas, with 24/7 availability, water meters, and a new management model, based on public-private partnerships for a DBOT contract including O&M for a period of five years. At the state level, the Project is supporting the state government in putting in place policies for sust...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2018
  4. Complaint > Mumbai Urban Transport Project

    Management Action Plan: 32-Fifth Management Progress Report

    ...vices in resettlement sites; substantial progress in repair of works in buildings reporting problems; and some 100 cooperative societies meeting key indicators for program exit. 44. The mainstreaming of the resettlement sites into the urban services network remains a challenge even as MCGM provides the basic services. MMRDA is pursuing the matter with the GoM and MCGM regarding long-term sustainability of basic services provision to the resettlement sites. The Bank has discussed the issue wi...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2004
  5. Complaint > DRC High Priority Roads Reopening and Maintenance (2nd Additional Financing)

    Eligibility: Inspection Panel Report and Recommendation(English)

    ...vices to the Contractor; (ii) child labor; and (iii) harm to Indigenous Peoples communities, including alleged desecration of graves. 9. Both during and after the first mission, the Requester demanded, orally and in writing, to be given employment under the Project and/or payment for his “investigative services” in connection with the complaint. Bank Management has not agreed to these demands. III. PROJECT BACKGROUND 10. The Project. The High-Priority Roads ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2017
  6. Complaint > Cartagena Water Supply, Sewerage and Environmental Management Project

    Compliance Report: 31-Investigation Report (English)

    ...vice president of Huachiew Chalermprakiat University; then joined the Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) as vice president. In 1998, Mr. Onchan was appointed president of TEI. He helped establish and was appointed president of the Mekong Environment and Resource Institute (MERI) in 2000. He has served as advisor to the Prime Minister and to the Minister of Science, Technology and Environment, as 190 member of the National Environmental Board, chair...

    WB Inspection Panel - Colombia - 2004
  7. Complaint > Land Management and Administration Project

    Management Response: 60-Management Response (English)

    ...Vice President SDR Special Drawing Rights SLC Social Land Concession Sr. ML Senior Minister of Land TF Trust fund TOR Terms of Reference TWG Technical Working Group TWG-L Technical Working Group on Land UN United Nations UNCHS United Nations Human Settlements Programme/Centre for Human Settlements (UN HABITAT) US United States v Cambodia EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 2002, the World Bank approved the Cambodia Lan...

    WB Inspection Panel - Cambodia - 2009
  8. Complaint > Yacyreta Hydroelectric Project

    Eligibility: Additional Review (English)

    ...vices already present were removed from those areas by the authorities and not replaced; or (b) whether it was reasonable to expect, in the absence of the Yacyretá project, that additional services now missing in the areas would have in fact been provided by the authorities. As for point (a), we are not aware of any elimination of previously existing services. As for point (b), our understanding is that at least a portion of the areas in question would probably have remained marginalized since t...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina, Paraguay - 1996
  9. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Eligibility: 54-Second Eligibility Report (English)

    ...vice). 75 64. Concerning the proposed strategy to tackle public enterprise reforms actions, Management stated that in October 2009, COPIREP hired a consultant (Core Advice) to help the Government think through the social costs of public enterprise reform. 76 On December 19, 2009, this consultant met with the Government’s Economic and Reconstruction Commission (ECOREC) on the social dimension of public enterprises reform and highlighted the urgency to tackle this i...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  10. Complaint > Western Poverty Reduction Project

    Filing: 16-Request for Inspection (English)

    ...Vice President Jean-Michel Severino, project staff, ICT, the US Tibet Committee, Students for a Free Tibet, three Tibetans from the Amdo region (Qinghai) now living in exile, the Center for International Environmental Law and the Bank Information Center, Mr. Severino stated that he stands behind the technical merits of the project, and that he had recommended the project for approval by the Board. ICT, on the other hand, believes that the technical analysis for this project to be in clear violat...

    WB Inspection Panel - China - 1999
  11. Complaint > Phase 1B of Lesotho Highlands Water Project, 1st Request

    Eligibility: 12-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...President of receipt of the Request (meaning “Registration” under the Panel’s Operating Procedures).2 THE LOAN The Bank’s Executive Directors approved a loan of USD45 million equivalent for Phase 1B on June 4, 1994.3 The borrower of record is the Lesotho Highlands Development Authority (LHDA) but the loan will be serviced directly by the Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA) on behalf of South Africa. The Bank is accepting guarantees of performance and repayme...

    WB Inspection Panel - Lesotho - 1998
  12. Complaint > Coal Sector Mitigation Project and Coal Sector Rehabitation Project

    Eligibility: 23-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...vices in resettlement sites – education and health: “lack of capability of securing other services (e.g. education)” (p. 3 of Request). 59. At Pindra, a school building with five class rooms has been constructed, but there has been considerable delay in getting the Bihar (now Jharkand) state government to allocate teachers. CIL has the position that while they should furnish the buildings for services such as schools and clinics in the resettlement sites, it is the responsibility of ...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2001
  13. Complaint > Institutional Reform Development Policy Financing

    Management Response: 57-Management Response Annexes 2 to 8

    ...vice --,--,Central Organization for Control a n d Audit --,--,COCA --,--,COCA --,--,GTZ project at COCA --,--,Planning Sector --,--,M i n i s t r y of Finance - Planning and Statistics Sector --,--,Planning and Statistics - M i n i s t r y o f Finance __ , -- , External Relations, M i n i s t r y o f Finance _-, -- , Civil Service Modernization Project, M i n i s t r y of Civil Service _-, _-, Supreme Tendering Committee --, -- ,President's O f f i c e --,T a x Authority --,--,National W o m a n...

    WB Inspection Panel - Yemen - 2009
  14. Complaint > Coal Sector Mitigation Project and Coal Sector Rehabitation Project

    Compliance Report: 23-Investigation Report (English)

    ...President of the Pan-African Union for Science and Technology, and International Vice Chairman of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). He is an international development advisor on environment, energy, mining, housing, biotechnology and agriculture. He was Senior Advisor to the President and Director for Central Projects Department of the African Development Bank. He was formerly the Vice-Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) of the Global Envi...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2001
  15. Complaint > Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project

    Eligibility: 36-Management Report and Recommendation (English)

    ...President’s Memorandum on Adaptable Lending, 1997 and subsequent directives on Learning and Innovation Loans (LILs). 1 OP 4.36 (Forestry) issued in September 1993 applies to this Project because the Credit financing the FCMCPP was approved in June 2000 while the current Bank Policy OP/BP 4.36 (Forests) was issued in November 2002. vi I. INTRODUCTION 1. On February 4, 2005, the Inspec...

    WB Inspection Panel - Cambodia - 2005
  16. Complaint > Petroleum Development and Pipeline Project, Management of the Petroleum Economy Project, and Petroleum Sector Management Capacity Building Project

    Management Response: 22-Management Response (English)

    ...President, Vice-Presidents and Directors concerning this Project. A list of correspondence between Mr. Yorongar and the Bank is provided in Annex H. Senior Bank Management has also met him in person, and listened and responded to his concerns on several occasions. Many of the claims raised in the Request were raised in the context of Mr. Yorongar’s previous correspondence. One occasion where a question of adequate compensation arose is cited and documented by the Requestors in the Request. In th...

    WB Inspection Panel - Chad - 2001
  17. Complaint > Santa Fe Infrastructure Project and Provincial Road Infrastructure Project, 1st Request

    Management Response: 42-Management Response (English)

    ...vices. By conserving the cur- The shops and services mentioned by the Requesters—filling rent shops and services established in the station, truck wash, oil change, tire repair, snack bar, diner—are locality (filling station, truck wash, oil change, located to the south of the latest road alignment design presented tire repair, snack bar, dinner) their owners will by the Province. Accordingly, the shops and services will not be not damaged and future claims for...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina - 2006
  18. Complaint > Third Power Project, Fourth Power Project, and proposed Bujagali Hydropower Project

    Compliance Report: 24-Investigation Report (English)

    ...Vice President and General Counsel of IDA, issued a memorandum containing his “Legal Advice in Response to Request by Inspection Panel” (see the full Legal Opinion in Annex 1).108 105 Id., p.43, ¶ 132. 106 Mitigation for Loss of Bujagali Falls: The Kalagala Offset, attachment to the Letter dated April 25, 2001. 107 Ibid. 108 In short, the Legal Opinion confirmed the Panel’s concerns regarding the validity, enforceability and binding nature of the Kalagala Offset agreeme...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uganda - 2001
  19. Complaint > National Drainage Program Project

    Management Response: 34-Management Response (English)

    ...President of Pakistan appointed a Special Committee headed by the Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock to review the NDP Project in light of the MTR recommendations. This review culminated in a report entitled, “Report of the Special Committee on the Review of NDP” dated February 2002, which was ultimately approved by the President on August 27, 2002. While the review was in progress and until the Special Committee’s recommendations were approved by the President, the NDP project...

    WB Inspection Panel - Pakistan - 2004
  20. Complaint > Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project

    Compliance Report: 36-Investigation Report (English)

    ...vice president of Huachiew Chalermprakiat University; then joined the Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) as vice president. In 1998, Mr. Onchan was appointed president of TEI. He helped establish and was appointed president of the Mekong Environment and Resource Institute (MERI) in 2000. He has served as advisor to the Prime Minister and to the Minister of Science, Technology and Environment, as member of the National Environmental Board, chairman of the National EIA Committee, chairman of the...

    WB Inspection Panel - Cambodia - 2005