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  1. Complaint > None

    Policy Document: 2013 CAO Operational Guidelines (OG)

    ...President, and is triggered in the following ways: • At the discretion of the CAO Vice President regarding lessons learned from CAO’s Dispute Resolution and Compliance roles; • At the discretion of the CAO Vice President to the World Bank Group President on systemic and critical issues relating to CAO’s casework, and; • A request from the President or IFC/MIGA senior management. Each formal written request for advice will be reviewed by the CAO Vice President, who will determine whether a...

    - - 2012
  2. Complaint > None

    Policy Document: Code of Conduct for EBRD Staff

    ...request for a derogation from the prohibition in Rule 6(d) must be directed for review by the Chief Compliance Officer and for decision (i) in the case of the President, by the Governors’ Committee; (ii) in the case of a Vice President or Chief Evaluator, by the Code of Conduct Committee; and (iii) in the case of other Bank Personnel, by the President; in such cases, the President may delegate to the Chief Compliance Officer the authority to decide requests for authorisation. (g) For the pur...

    - - 2018
  3. Complaint > Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Project

    Registration: 95-Notice of Non-Registration(English)

    ...Request meets basic requirements for Registration, but based on agreement from both Requesters and Management to seek an opportunity to resolve the concerns, the Panel can postpone its decision to register the Request and instead initiate a Pilot Approach. -2- Departments of San Pedro and Caaguazu, Paraguay. The Requesters claim that they feel severely disrupted in their rights of consultation and participation. 4. The Reques...

    WB Inspection Panel - Paraguay - 2014
  4. Complaint > None

    Policy Document: Resolution No. IBRD93-10/Resolution No. IDA 93-6 "The World Bank Inspection Panel" (1993 Board Resolution)

    ...request. 15. The Panel shall seek the advice of the Bank's Legal Department on matters related to the Bank's rights and obligations with respect to the request under consideration. Procedures 16. Requests for inspection shall be in writing and shall state all relevant facts, including, in the case of a request by an affected party, the harm suffered by or threatened to such party or parties by the alleged action or omission of the Bank. All requests shall explain the steps already taken t...

    - - 1994
  5. Complaint > Highlands Water Project - Phase 1B, 2nd Request

    Eligibility: 15-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Requester 5 Motete Diamonds (Pty) Limited Fifth Requester 6 Rampai Diamonds (Pty) Limited Sixth Requester 7 Josias van Zyl Seventh Requester 8 Josias van Zyl Family Trust Eighth Requester 9 Burmilla Trust Ninth Requester Together "the Requesters" The Request comprises this Requ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Lesotho - 1999
  6. Complaint > Rural Land Titling & Registration Project in Peru - Third Phase

    Filing: Request Receipt

    ...request has been determined. 47. We ask that the ICIM respond to our Request. With nothing further, I would like take this opportunity to express our highest consideration and esteem. Henderson Rengifo Hualinga President of AIDESEP, Achuar People [Signature] Jamner Manihuari Curitima Vice President of AIDESEP, Kukama [Signature] Kukamiria People------ Bernabe Impi Ismiño Secretary of AIDESEP, A...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Peru - 2015
  7. Complaint > None

    Policy Document: 2014 PCM Rules and Procedures (ROP)

    ...President with a recommendation that the PCM undertake a Problem-solving Initiative and the reasons supporting their recommendation. The President will decide within ten (10) Business Days of submission of the recommendation whether to accept it. If the President approves the recommendation, the Problem-solving Expert will begin the Problemsolving Initiative as soon as practicable following the President’s decision. The decision of the President, and the reason(s) for the decision, wil...

    - - 2010
  8. Complaint > None

    Policy Document: Accountability Mechanism Policy (AMP)

    ...requesters on 24 August 2011. Compliance review is ongoing. Table continued continued on next page 61 Summary of Requests for the Compliance Review Phase, 2004–2011 Projects Requests Responses Results 6. Visayas Base-Load Power Development Project in the Philippines (Loan No. 2612-PHI, approved 18 August 2009) ADB: $100 million private sector loan The CRP received the request from alleged affected people who requested confidentiality. The requesters are represented by an N...

    - - 2012
  9. Complaint > Institutional Reform Development Policy Financing

    Management Action Plan: 57-Management Progress Report on Implementation of Enhanced Action Plan (English)

    ...REQUESTERS Provide translation of the PD to the Completed (June 2009). Requesters acknowledged receipt of this translation. Requesters and other interested stakeholders. Invite the Requesters to meet at Completed (May 30, 2009; September 6, 2009). Requesters also met with the Regional Vice their convenience with Bank President (November 8, 2009). They were systematically invited to relevant events held in representatives to inform them Sana’a. about plans for the translati...

    WB Inspection Panel - Yemen - 2009
  10. Complaint > None

    Policy Document: PCM User Guide

    ...President with a recommendation that the PCM undertake a Problem-solving Initiative and the reasons supporting their recommendation. The President will decide within ten (10) Business Days of submission of the recommendation whether to accept it. If the President approves the recommendation, the Problem-solving Expert will begin the Problemsolving Initiative as soon as practicable following the President’s decision. The decision of the President, and the reason(s) for the decision, wi...

    - - 2014
  11. Complaint > Land Administration Project (First Request)

    Filing: 53-First Request for Inspection (English)

    ...requesting the Inspection Panel to carry out an in- depth and detailed investigation of all that has happened since the arrival of PRONAT in our territory. In view of the above, we would be very grateful for your prompt response to our request. 3 Sincerely, S. M. Valentín Santana Adolfo R. Villagra S. King of the Naso Peoples President Naso Leadership Lucho Gamarra ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Panama - 2009
  12. Complaint > None

    Policy Document: 2019 IPAM Project Accountability Policy

    ...Request; a. Requesters may ask that the identity of some or all of the individuals or Organisations listed in the Request be kept confidential. IPAM is committed to protecting Requesters’ identities, if confidentiality is expressly asked for in their Request. The Requester will be asked to provide rationale as to why they seek confidentiality in their Request, and if asked for by the Requesters, IPAM’s Retaliation risk assessment may be triggered alongside the request for confiden...

    - - 2019
  13. Complaint > None

    Policy Document: Office of the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman Terms of Reference (TOR)

    ...request of the President or IFC's or MIGA's management or on the suggestion of the Ombudsman. In addressing such projects, the Ombudsman would consult with the President and coordinate with IFC's or MIGA's management. 2 To assist in dealing with complaints from external parties affected by IFC or MIGA projects. Outside complaints received by the Office of the President, IFC, MIGA, or the Ombudsman would be investigated by the Ombudsman, as appropriate,in consultation with affected parties,...

    - - 2012
  14. Complaint > Uttaranchal Decentralized Watershed Development Project

    Registration: 45-Notice of Registration (English)

    ...Request, the Requesters ask the Inspection Panel to recommend to the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank that an investigation be conducted on the alleged matters. 4 PAD, pg. 2. 5 PAD, pg. 2. 6 PAD, pg. 3. 7 Requesters’ letter dated March 9, 2007, pg. 2. 8 E-Mail from Mr. Gutta to the Inspection Panel, dated March 13, 2007. 9 Requesters’ letter dated March 21, 2007. 10 Requesters’ letter dated March 9, 2007, pg. 2. 11 Requesters’ letter dated March 9, 2007, pg. 2. 12...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2007
  15. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Filing: Request for compliance review with 3 attachments:[PDF] Harm to requesters New evidence Breaches of ADB Guidelines & Safeguard Policies

    ...President. We do not wish the submission of this Request to be seen or acted upon as a request to stop the OSPF from following up on the Complaint. The Joint Organization members include Unified Society for the Protection of Akmeemana (USPA), Gama Surakeema Sanvidhaniya (GSS), and many individuals along the Colombo Matara Highway. The President who is also an Affected Person is a signatory to this Request together with Officials of USPA and GSS. In support of the Requesters a few members of the ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka
  16. Complaint > SN Power-01/CAO Vice President Request

    Appraisal: CAO Appraisal: Case of IFC and MIGA involvement with SN Power with special focus on the Allain Duhangan Hydropower Project in India, December 17, 2009

    ...President initiates an audit, a memorandum explaining the rationale for the proposal to audit will be submitted to the Executive Vice President of IFC/MIGA. The final decision to conduct an audit will be taken in consultation with the Executive Vice President(s), but at the discretion of the CAO Vice President. If the CAO decides to initiate a compliance audit, as a result of the compliance appraisal, the CAO will draw up a terms of reference for the audit in accordance with CAO’s operational gu...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - India - 2009
  17. Complaint > AD Hydro Power Limited-01/Himachal Pradesh

    Appraisal: appraisal

    ...President initiates an audit, a memorandum explaining the rationale for the proposal to audit will be submitted to the Executive Vice President of IFC/MIGA. The final decision to conduct an audit will be taken in consultation with the Executive Vice President(s), but at the discretion of the CAO Vice President. If the CAO decides to initiate a compliance audit, as a result of the compliance appraisal, the CAO will draw up a terms of reference for the audit in accordance with CAO’s operational gu...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - India
  18. Complaint > Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh City Highway Project

    Dispute Resolution: English

    ...request advice and support.  SPF will review relevant documents and will field a fact-finding mission on his/her own initiative or participate, in consultation with the OD, in a special project administration mission of the OD.  SPF will complete the review and assessment, and will report his/her findings to the President, with a copy to the Vice-President concerned. ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Cambodia
  19. Complaint > Highlands Water Project - Phase 1B, 2nd Request

    Filing: 15-Request for Inspection (English)

    ...Requester 5 Motete Diamonds (Pty) Limited Fifth Requester 6 Rampai Diamonds (Pty) Limited Sixth Requester 7 Josias van Zyl Seventh Requester 8 Josias van Zyl Family Trust Eighth Requester 9 Burmilla Trust Ninth Requester Together "the Requesters" The Request comprises this Request to which is incorporated Annexures 1...

    WB Inspection Panel - Lesotho - 1999
  20. Complaint > Transitional Support for Economic Recovery Credit and Emergency Economic and Social Reunification Support Project

    Filing: 37-Request for Inspection (English)

    ...President of the Steering Committee /s/ Email: Tel.: +243997706362 Kindly see below the particulars of the four contact persons selected by the requesters: Adrien Sinafasi Makelo Réseau des Associations Autochtones Pygmées (RAPY)-Bukavu (Network of Indigenous Pygmy Associations) President of the Steering Committee Email: Tel.: +243 99 77 06 362 or +243 81 01 63 369 Willy Loyombo Esinola Organisation pour la Sédentarisation, l’Alphabétisation et la Pro...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2005
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