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Showing Only Arun III Proposed Hydroelectric Project and Restructuring of IDA Credit (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > Arun III Proposed Hydroelectric Project and Restructuring of IDA Credit

    Timeline: Register (English)

    ...Requesters. Original Request dated October 24,1994 received from Nepal World Bank office without attachments Oct. 3 1, 1994 o r authorizations. Attachments and authorizations received by fax Nov. 2,1994 Request Registered Nov. 3, 1994 3. Notice of Registration with the Request sent to the Nov. 3, 1994 President 1. Notice of Registration sent to: 5. Requ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Nepal - 1994
  2. Complaint > Arun III Proposed Hydroelectric Project and Restructuring of IDA Credit

    Eligibility: Inspection Panel Report and Recommendation

    ...Request “[Ilf the Request appears to contain sufficient required information...”. While recognizing that there were deficiencies in the formalities, in accordance with this para, the Chairman, on L November 3, 1994, registered the Request in the Panel Register; notified the Requester, the Executive Directors and the President of IDA of the registration; and transmitted to the President a copy of the original Request together with faxed copies of the attachments and evidence of represen...

    WB Inspection Panel - Nepal - 1994
  3. Complaint > Arun III Proposed Hydroelectric Project and Restructuring of IDA Credit

    Management Response: Management Response (English)

    ...Requester dated July 7, 1 9 9 4 requested documentation. T h e response, dated July 18, 1 9 9 4 , referred t h e Requester t o the Project Information Center in Kathmandu, which h o u s e s all the requested documentation. We also enclosed a list of t h e documentation available a t t h e World Bank’s Public Information Center (PIC) in Washington. A second letter from the Requester dated October 7, 1 9 9 4 requested a lis...

    WB Inspection Panel - Nepal - 1994
  4. Complaint > Arun III Proposed Hydroelectric Project and Restructuring of IDA Credit

    Compliance Report: Investigation Report (English)

    ...requested that the Bank provide additional funding. By February 1987, all reports indicated no progress. 5. A review by the Bank in May 1987 was rather more concerned about the project as a whole: NEA’s compliance with the agreements reached in prior reviews was described as “extremely poor.” This was followed by a statement in July 1987 to the Bank that “the above consultants would not be asked to develop a resettlement action plan, as the project does not envisage the resettlement of persons a...

    WB Inspection Panel - Nepal - 1994