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Showing Only CAREC Transport Corridor 1 (Bishkek-Torugart Road) Project 1 (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > CAREC Transport Corridor 1 (Bishkek-Torugart Road) Project 1

    Compliance Report: CRP Final Report in English, in Russian [PDF] (Management Response and Requester's Response to CRP Draft Report are attached)

    ...REQUEST FOR COMPLIANCE REVIEW 8. The request for compliance review was submitted to the Secretary of the CRP on 23 May 2011 by five individuals, who designated as their representative the Central Asia and Caucasus Coordinator of the ADB NGO Forum (Appendix 1). The requesters sought to keep their identities confidential, as provided in para. 44 of the Accountability Mechanism policy. The request for compliance review was made during the consultation phase, in accordance with the policy. 5 ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Kyrgyzstan - 2012
  2. Complaint > CAREC Transport Corridor 1 (Bishkek-Torugart Road) Project 1

    Registration: Notice of Registration in English, in Russian [PDF]

    ...Request in its Registry of Request as Request No. 2011/2. The Registry is at: 8HF7NJ?OpenDocument The CRP will inform the ADB Board of Directors on the registration of this Request and will also issue a press advisory to be published on its website at: The registration of this request does not address the eligibility or the merits of your request for compliance review but only acknowledges receipt and noti...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Kyrgyzstan - 2011