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7 Results

Showing Only Cartagena Water Supply, Sewerage and Environmental Management Project (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > Cartagena Water Supply, Sewerage and Environmental Management Project

    Timeline: 31-Register (English)

    ...Request for Inspection received by Secretariat April 20, 2004 2. Request Registered April 22, 2004 3. Notice of Registration with the Request sent to the April 22, 2004 President 4. Notice of Registration sent to: 5. Requesters April 22, 2004 6. Executive Directors April 22, 2004 7. Notice of Registration put on Internet 8. Executive Director representi...

    WB Inspection Panel - Colombia - 2004
  2. Complaint > Cartagena Water Supply, Sewerage and Environmental Management Project

    Registration: 31-Notice of Registration (English)

    ...Request states that the Requesters have previously complained on numerous occasions to Bank regional and senior management, ethics officers, and others, and have received no satisfactory response. Finally, the Requesters ask the Inspection Panel to recommend to the Executive Directors a full investigation of the matters alleged in the Request. They also request “that the Bank stop disbursing funds to this project until an investigation has been completed and an appropriate remedy adopted.” ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Colombia - 2004
  3. Complaint > Cartagena Water Supply, Sewerage and Environmental Management Project

    Filing: 31-Request for Inspection (English)

    ...requesting that a criminal iiivesiigntion be opened and forwarding h e results 01 ihe investigation irdtiatecl by hie Conitroller i p n nati’s request. See Exhibit 37. 15. On I7 January 2002, nau sent a letter (CH-O05 .fia) to World Rank President Woifensohn iwpesting h t the B a d nssrue him that i t s investigntiori into his concerrrs about bfne Cartagcna pr+t would be thoroughly completed and cautioriirig lii~nsahiit internal and/or wternal pressures aiming to th...

    WB Inspection Panel - Colombia - 2004
  4. Complaint > Cartagena Water Supply, Sewerage and Environmental Management Project

    Compliance Report: 31-Investigation Report (English)

    ...Requests After the Panel receives a Request for Inspection it is processed as follows: • The Panel decides whether the Request is prima facie not barred from Panel consideration. • The Panel registers the Request—a purely administrative procedure. • The Panel sends the Request to Bank Management, which has 21 working days to respond to the allegations of the Requesters. • The Panel then conducts a short 21 working-day assessment to determine the eligibility of the Requesters ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Colombia - 2004
  5. Complaint > Cartagena Water Supply, Sewerage and Environmental Management Project

    Eligibility: 31-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Request was filed. The Request therefore satisfies the requirement in paragraph 9(e) that the related Loan has not been closed or substantially disbursed. 53. The Panel has not previously made a recommendation on the subject matter of the Request. Therefore, the Request satisfies paragraph 9(f). F. CONCLUSIONS 54. The Requesters and the Request meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the Resolution that established the Inspection Panel ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Colombia - 2004
  6. Complaint > Cartagena Water Supply, Sewerage and Environmental Management Project

    Management Response: 31-Management Response (English)

    ...Request. Annex 1 provides detailed responses to the specific claims made in the Request. II. THE REQUEST 5. The Request for Inspection was submitted by Corporación Cartagena Honesta (CCH, hereafter referred to as the “Requesters”) on its own behalf and on behalf of 125 residents of Punta Canoa, 139 residents of Arroyo de Piedra, 41 residents of Manzanillo, and 119 residents of Cartagena. 6. Attached to the Request are: (1) Power of Represen...

    WB Inspection Panel - Colombia - 2004
  7. Complaint > Cartagena Water Supply, Sewerage and Environmental Management Project

    Eligibility: 31-Management Report and Recommendation (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ04/02 (hereafter referred to as “the Request”), concerning the Colombia- Cartagena Water Supply, Sewerage and Environmental Management Project (“the Project”) financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). The Request was submitted by the Corporación Cartagena Honesta (CCH, hereafter referred to as the “Requesters”) on its own behalf and on behalf of 125 residents of Punta Canoa, 139 residents of Arroyo de Piedra, 41 residents ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Colombia - 2004