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  1. Complaint > Ecodevelopment Project

    Timeline: 11-Register (English)

    ...Requester: Mr. J. L. Subramanin, President, Nagarahole Budakattu Janara Hakkusthapana Samithi, representing the inhabitants of Rajive Gandhi National Park, Nagarahole, Karnataka State, India. Action Date: Other Comments 1. Request for Inspection received by Secretariat April 2, 1998 2. Request Registered April 3, 1998 3. Notice of Registration with the Request sent to the A...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 1998
  2. Complaint > Ecodevelopment Project

    Registration: 11-Notice of Registration (English)

    ...REQUEST RQ98/l April 3, 1998 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION Dear Sir: Re: Requestfor Inspection -India: Ecodevelopment Project (Loan No. 29160-IN) (GEF Trust Fund Grant Number TF028479 IN) The Inspection Panel (the "Panel") received a Request for Inspection (the "Request") dated March 10, 1998 on April3, 1998 from an or...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 1998
  3. Complaint > Ecodevelopment Project

    Eligibility: 11-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...REQUESTERS AND REQUEST 17. This section will first examine the eligibility of the Requesters. It will then discuss the eligibility of the substance of the Request for an investigation. To do this, the assertions made in the Request and IDA Management Response are compared and examined. ELIGIBILITY OF THE REQUESTERS 18. The Panel finds that the Requesters are eligible to file a Request in accordance with the Resolution establishing the Panel, subsequent “Clarifications” and...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 1998
  4. Complaint > Ecodevelopment Project

    Filing: 11-Request for Inspection (English)

    ...Request to review Nagarhole Eco Development Plan, stop funding inm1ediately, your intervention urged. ' We the members ~f-NAGARHOLE BUDAKATIU HAKKU STAPANA SAMITHl (Nagarhole Tribals Rights Restoration Co.nmUttee) herewith record our protest against the proposed Nagarhole Eco Development plan & tribal rehabilitation supported by World Bank and implemented through Karnataka Forest Department which is a...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 1998