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5 Results

Showing Only Energy Loss Reduction Project (Rogun HPP, Tajikistan) (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > Energy Loss Reduction Project (Rogun HPP, Tajikistan)

    Timeline: 70-Register (English)

    ...Request for Inspection received by Secretariat 10/08/2010 2. Request Registered 10/22/2010 3. Notice of Registration with the Request sent to the 10/22/2010 President 4. Notice of Registration sent to: 5. Requesters 10/22/2010 6. Executive Directors 10/22/2010 7. Notice of Registration put on the Inspection Panel 10/22/2010 website 8. Executive Director representin...

    WB Inspection Panel - Tajikistan, Uzbekistan - 2010
  2. Complaint > Energy Loss Reduction Project (Rogun HPP, Tajikistan)

    Management Response: 70-Management Response (English)

    ...President, Republic of Uzbekistan President, IFC March 3, 2009 President, Republic of Uzbekistan President, World Bank March 30, 2009 President, IFC President, Republic of Uzbekistan March 3, 2009 President, Republic of Uzbekistan President, World Bank April 15, 2009 President, World Bank President, Republic of Uzbekistan Sept 11, 2009 Sector Manager, Energy, World Bank Fi...

    WB Inspection Panel - Tajikistan, Uzbekistan - 2010
  3. Complaint > Energy Loss Reduction Project (Rogun HPP, Tajikistan)

    Registration: 70-Notice of Registration (English)

    ...Request is set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the 1999 Clarifications. After receiving the Management response, the Panel will, as outlined in the 1999 Clarifications and as provided by paragraph 19 of the Resolution, “determine whether the Request meets the eligibility criteria set out in paragraphs 12 to 14 [of the Resolution] and shall make a recommendation to the Executive Directors as to whether the matter should be investigated.” The Request has been assigned IPN Request Numb...

    WB Inspection Panel - Tajikistan, Uzbekistan - 2010
  4. Complaint > Energy Loss Reduction Project (Rogun HPP, Tajikistan)

    Filing: 70-Request for Inspection Attachment (English)

    From the Address of the President Aral Sea yesterday 1960 of Uzbekistan at the UN General Assembly session "The Aral Sea Disaster ,which affected millions of people, living in the basin of the sea is one of the biggest ecological and hUlnanitarian catastrophes in the history of hUlnankind" . "In the course of several ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Tajikistan, Uzbekistan - 2010
  5. Complaint > Energy Loss Reduction Project (Rogun HPP, Tajikistan)

    Eligibility: 70-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, p. 1, para. 2. 16 Request for Inspection, p. 1, para. 3. 17 Request for Inspection, p. 1, para. A. 18 Request for Inspection, p. 2, para. B. 19 Request for Inspection, p. 2, para. C. 20 Request for Inspection, p. 2, para. D-E. 21 Request for Inspection, p. 3, para. F. 4 with the Bank’s response and request the Panel to recommend to the World Bank’s Boa...

    WB Inspection Panel - Tajikistan, Uzbekistan - 2010