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6 Results

Showing Only Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project

    Timeline: 36-Register (English)

    ...Request for Inspection received by Secretariat January 28, 2005 2. Request Registered February 4, 2005 3. Notice of Registration with the Request sent to the February 4, 2005 President 4. Notice of Registration sent to: 5. Requesters February 4, 2005 6. Executive Directors February 4, 2005 7. Notice of Registration put on Internet February 7,2005...

    WB Inspection Panel - Cambodia - 2005
  2. Complaint > Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project

    Registration: 36-Notice of Registration (English)

    ...Request for Inspection CAMBODIA: Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project (FCMCPP) (Credit No. 3365-KH and Trust Fund No. 26419-JPN) On January 28, 2005, the Inspection Panel received a Request for Inspection, dated January 21, 2005, (the “Request”) related to the above-referenced Project (sometimes also referred to as the “FCMCPP”). The NGO Forum on Cambodia submitted the Request on its own behalf and on behalf of affe...

    WB Inspection Panel - Cambodia - 2005
  3. Complaint > Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project

    Compliance Report: 36-Investigation Report (English)

    ...President. 5. On March 8, 2005, Management submitted its Response to the Request for Inspection. 10 1. The Request 6. The following paragraphs briefly summarize the Request. The Requesters’ specific claims will be addressed in more detail later in the Report. 7 Request for Inspection: Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project, Letter to Inspection Panel dated January 21, 2005, p.1, (hereinafter “Request Letter 1”). 8 Requ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Cambodia - 2005
  4. Complaint > Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project

    Management Response: 36-Management Response Annex (English)

    ...request for more frequent management and reform issues, including Donors, and (TWG is an outgrowth of the Cambodia meetings to assist in monitoring reform program FCMCPP since 2000 NGOs Consultative Group Process and is one of a and advising on implementation; monthly or family of Government-donor committees more frequent meetings from 2000 onward established to monitor progress on key development and refo...

    WB Inspection Panel - Cambodia - 2005
  5. Complaint > Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project

    Management Response: 36-Management Response (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ05/1 (hereafter referred to as “the Request”), concerning the Cambodia Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project (“FCMCPP” or “the Project”), Credit No. 3365-KH, financed by the International Development Association (IDA). 2. Structure of the Text. The document contains the following sections: Section II provides information on the Request; Section III presents background information and analytical work on the Project, including the overall...

    WB Inspection Panel - Cambodia - 2005
  6. Complaint > Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project

    Eligibility: 36-Management Report and Recommendation (English)

    ...Request was submitted by NGO Forum of Cambodia acting on its own behalf and on behalf of affected local communities living in the districts of Tbeng Meanchey in Preah Vihear Province; Siem Bok and Sesan in Stung Treng Province; and Anlong Veng in Oddar Meanchey Province, Cambodia (hereafter referred to as the “Requesters”). 2. The Executive Directors and the President of IDA were notified by the Panel of receipt of the Request. Management responded to the claims in the Request on March 8, ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Cambodia - 2005