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  1. Complaint > Land Administration Project

    Management Response: 38-Management Response Annexes (English)

    ...President: Marcelino Dolmo Vice President: Sotero Mejia Secretary: Feliza Norales Treasurer: Martha Figueroa Fiscal: Virgilia Velásquez I Chairperson: Lucas Martinez II Chairperson: Alejandro Miguel III Chairperson: Sandro Rivas IV Chairperson: Cesar Aquino Mesa Local Comunidad de Sangrelaya, Iriona, Colón. President: Justino Fernández Vicepresident: Francisco Ortiz Dol...

    WB Inspection Panel - Honduras - 2006
  2. Complaint > Land Administration Project

    Timeline: 38-Register (English)

    ...Request for Inspection received by Secretariat January 3, 2006 2. Request Registered January 10, 2006 3. Notice of Registration with the Request sent to the January 10, 2006 President 4. Notice of Registration sent to: 5. Requesters January 11, 2006 6. Executive Directors January 10, 2006 7. Notice of Registration put on the Internet January 11, 2006...

    WB Inspection Panel - Honduras - 2006
  3. Complaint > Land Administration Project

    Compliance Report: 38-Investigation Report (English)

    ...Requests After the Panel receives a Request for Inspection it is processed as follows: • The Panel decides whether the Request is prima facie not barred from Panel consideration. • The Panel registers the Request—a purely administrative procedure. • The Panel sends the Request to Bank Management, which has 21 working days to respond to the allegations of the Requesters. • The Panel then conducts a short 21 working-day assessment to determine the eligibility of the Requesters ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Honduras - 2006
  4. Complaint > Land Administration Project

    Filing: 38-Request for Inspection (English)

    ...Request. The current and potential damages ment ioned above stand out as a result of the lack of compliance on the part of the Bank of the operating procedures and policies related to the project’s design, assessment and implementation. 6) Requesters claims prior to submitting the Request Before reaching the decision of presenting this Request, Ofraneh and the affected communities took a series of steps designed towards a constructive dialogue with the institutions involved in the project. After...

    WB Inspection Panel - Honduras - 2006
  5. Complaint > Land Administration Project

    Registration: 38-Notice of Registration (English)

    ...REQUEST RQ06/1 January 10, 2006 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION Re: Request for Inspection HONDURAS: Land Administration Project (IDA Credit No. 3858-HO) On January 3, 2006, the Inspection Panel (the “Panel”) received a Request for Inspection (the “Request”) related to the Honduras:Land Administration Project (the “Project” – in Sp...

    WB Inspection Panel - Honduras - 2006
  6. Complaint > Land Administration Project

    Management Response: 38-Management Response (English)

    ...Requesters and Bank Management. A map of the region follows the Annexes (Map 1, IBRD No. 34485). II. THE REQUEST 3. The Request for Inspection was submitted by Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña (Ofraneh) on behalf of the Garífuna population of Honduras (hereafter re- ferred to as the “Requesters”). 4. The Request concerns three principal issues: (i) the risk of atomization of Garífuna collective titles and delivering Garífuna land claim...

    WB Inspection Panel - Honduras - 2006
  7. Complaint > Land Administration Project

    Eligibility: 38-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Requesters claim that both sets of procedures are inadequate because they do not respond to their social and political reality. In addition, in the Requesters’ view, conflicts that are decades old cannot be solved through mechanisms such as the Mesa Regional, 19 or 15 Request, p. 4. 16 Request, p. 4. 17 Request, p. 5. 18 Request, p. 7. 19 In this context the Requesters refer to the Mesa Regional as Mesa Interetnica. ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Honduras - 2006
  8. Complaint > Land Administration Project

    Eligibility: 38-Management Report and Recommendation (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ06/1 (hereafter referred to as “the Request”), concerning the Honduras Land Administration Project (“the Project”) partially financed by the International Development Association (IDA)1. The Request was submitted by the Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña (Fraternal Black Honduran Organization, OFRANEH) on behalf of the Garífuna population of Honduras. 2. The Executive Directors and the President of the World Bank were notified by the Panel of recei...

    WB Inspection Panel - Honduras - 2006
  9. Complaint > Land Administration Project

    Management Action Plan: 38- Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, I P N request RQ06/1 (“the Request”), concerning the Honduras Land Administration Project (Programa de Administracidn de Tierras de Honduras or PATH, “the Project”) partially financed by the International Development Association (IDA)’ through Credit 3858-HO. The Request had been submitted by the Honduran Black Fraternal Organization (Organizacidn Fraternal Negra Hondureiia or OFRANEH) on behalf o f the Garifuna population o f Honduras. In the Request, OFRANEH alleged tha...

    WB Inspection Panel - Honduras - 2006