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Showing Only MHP-01/Vinnytsia (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > MHP-01/Vinnytsia

    Eligibility: CAO Assessment Report - Ukraine/MHP-01 - January 31, 2019 EN

    ...requests and that there is an announcement board in every village together with a box where villagers can put notes or requests, which MHP collects every month. Additionally, public meetings also provide opportunities for local community members to make requests. MHP stressed that they want to be perceived as a community partner, not as a place where requests can be filed. MHP told CAO that they do not pressure people to accept Company ideas or projects. In furtherance of this, the Company descr...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Ukraine - 2019
  2. Complaint > MHP-01/Vinnytsia

    Filing: Letter of complaint - June 5, 2018 EN

    ...request,77 but MHP has often failed to provide documents in response to requests dating back to 2012.78 Local community members’ attempts, in 2016, to obtain environmental assessment documents related to Brigade 43 are an example, as described above.79 Prior to 2016, a community-based NGO requested several technical and environmental documents from the Company, including information about its manure management system, but never received the requested information.80 To date, we have not been prov...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Ukraine - 2018