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Showing Only Mozal-01/Matola and Maputo (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > Mozal-01/Matola and Maputo

    Compliance Report: CAO Audit of IFC Investments in Mozal, Mozambique, December 18, 2012

    ...request. It cannot go beyond the confines of the complaint, or request that other issues be addressed. In such cases, the complainant or requestor may consider submission of a new complaint or request. CAO Compliance appraisals and audits consider how IFC/MIGA assured itself/themselves of compliance with national law, reflecting international legal commitments, along with other audit criteria. The CAO has no authority with respect to judicial processes. The CAO is neither a court of appeal nor a...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Mozambique
  2. Complaint > Mozal-01/Matola and Maputo

    Filing: Complaint, October 1, 2010

    ...requested special authorization for the bypass operation, but to date both Mozal and MICOA have refused to provide a copy of this authorization. After insisting attempts of the coalition to get access to the two studies on which the alleged authorization is based on, we were allowed to view them in the MICOA library for reading purposes only. Mozal saw itself at no occasion required to present the documents when requested, see request in annex 6 and response in annex 7. The studies ava...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Mozambique - 2010
  3. Complaint > Mozal-01/Matola and Maputo

    Monitoring: CAO Monitoring and Closure Report - June 25_2014

    ...President of the World Bank Group. The CAO reviews complaints from communities affected by development projects undertaken by the two private sector lending arms of the World Bank Group, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). For more information about the CAO, please visit 2 Audit Report ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Mozambique
  4. Complaint > Mozal-01/Matola and Maputo

    Eligibility: Ombudsman Assessment Report, Complaint Regarding the Mozambique Aluminum S.A.R.L. (MOZAL) Investment, IFC Mozal II Project (#10323), February 2011

    ...President of the World Bank Group, and its mandate is to assist in addressing complaints from people affected by projects in a manner that is fair, objective, and constructive and to enhance the social and environmental outcomes of projects in which IFC and MIGA play a role. In the first instance, complaints are responded to by the CAO’s Ombudsman function. The purpose of CAO’s assessment is to: (1) clarify the issues and concerns raised by the complainant; (2) identify the principal stakeholder...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Mozambique - 2011
  5. Complaint > Mozal-01/Matola and Maputo

    Appraisal: Appraisal Report: Mozambique Aluminium S.A.R.L, Mozambique - Case of Justica Ambiental, Livaningo, Liga Mocambicana dos Direitos Humanos, Centro Terra Viva, Kulima, and Centro de Integridade Pública, July 24, 2012

    ...president of the World Bank Group. The CAO reviews complaints from communities affected by development projects undertaken by the two private sector lending arms of the World Bank Group: the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). For more information about the CAO, please visit Appraisal Report CAO Ref Code: C-I-R6-Y12-F160 ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Mozambique - 2012