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Showing Only Myanma Awba Group Company Ltd.-01/Myanmar (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > Myanma Awba Group Company Ltd.-01/Myanmar

    Filing: Letter of Complaint

    To: Office of the Compliance Advisor (CAO) 2121 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington. DC 20433 U.S.A Date: 4 October 2017 Subject: Request to withdraw the World Bank’s joint-venture investment into the Myanma Awba Group’s Chemical Pharmaceutical Factory Project, construction of which was finished in the Wahnetchaung Village area, Hmawbi Township of Yangon Division, because it is violati...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Myanmar - 2017
  2. Complaint > Myanma Awba Group Company Ltd.-01/Myanmar

    Eligibility: Assessment Report, Myanma Awba Group Company Ltd.-01 - June 2018 - English

    ...requested meetings with the Company to understand the potential harm to the community, but that the Company has not responded to these requests. The only consultation done with the community was with regard to corporate social investment (CSI). Furthermore, the ESIA report is being disputed by the Complainants, who claim that they were not consulted during the process. They claim that water tests were only conducted on some, (but not all) of the potentially affected villages within the req...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Myanmar - 2018