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  1. Complaint > Power VI Project

    Management Response: Management Response (English)

    ...Requester. There is also a disparity between the interests of Mr. Nolan, an owner, whose rewards are derived through dividends paid to him by Tannol Holdings Ltd. as opposed to the other Requesters who are allegedly employees of Tannol t Holdings Ltd. In addition, it is not clear that all the Requesters are employees of Tannol Holdings Ltd., since the Supplement to the Request refers to “several of the Requesters“ and not to all the Requesters. In short, the Request fails to demonstrate ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Tanzania - 1995
  2. Complaint > Power VI Project

    Eligibility: Inspection Panel Report and Recommendation

    ...Request for Inspection TANZANIA: Power VI Project (Credit No. 2489-TA) Below is (A) Background information, (B) a Process note, and (C) the Inspection Panel’s (‘Panel”) on whether or not there should be an investigation (“Recommendation”) into allegations made in the above-referenced Request for Inspection (“Request”). Annex 1 contains the Request. The Management’s reply to the Request is provided in Annex 2. A. Background ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Tanzania - 1995
  3. Complaint > Power VI Project

    Filing: Request for Inspection (English)

    ...Request for Inspection (Request) of IDA loans t o the Government of Tanzania which violate IDA's Articles of Agreement. The Request is submitted by a group of affected individuals in Tanzania w h o include the owner and employees of Tannol Holdings Ltd. The affected individuals are referred t o as "Tannol." The violations have been brought t o the attention of Management. Management has not cured its violations. Summary This Request is directed at the financing by th...

    WB Inspection Panel - Tanzania - 1995
  4. Complaint > Power VI Project

    Timeline: Register (English)

    ...Request received from the Requesters, Tannol Holdings, by the Resident Representative of the World Bank in Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania May 10, 1995 Original Request received by Secretariat May 16, 1995 Supplement to the Request received by Secretariat June 14, 1995 2. Request Registered June 16, 1995 3. Notice of Registration with the Request sent to the June 16, 1995 President 4. Notice of Reg...

    WB Inspection Panel - Tanzania - 1995
  5. Complaint > Power VI Project

    Registration: Notice of Registration (English)

    ...Requesters”) who claim that their rights/interests have been adversely affected by acts and omissions of the International Development Association (“IDA”) and on June 14, 1995, a supplement to the Request, signed by one of the Requesters, providing clarifications to the Request. The Requesters claim that they have been directly and adversely affected by the implementation and amendment of the above-referenced project. The Requesters claim to be affect...

    WB Inspection Panel - Tanzania - 1995