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Showing Only Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Eligibility: 54-First Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection (the “Second Request”) related to the same above-referenced Project. Mr. Bidimu Kamunga, resident of Likasi, Katanga, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, submitted the Request acting as President of “le Collectif des Ex-agents Gécamines ODV” (“the Collective of VDO [Voluntary Departures Operation] of former Gécamines employees”). The Request included 14 signatures of other members of the collective. The Panel registered this Second Request on March...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  2. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Filing: 54-First Request for Inspection (English)

    ...request public. It goes without saying that we are entirely at your service for any requests for additional information. We hope that our request will be favorably received. Sincerely yours, The Requesting Parties /s/ CHOLA KABAMBA /s/ ASSANI KYOMBI Attachments: YES 7

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  3. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Management Response: 54-Management Response (English)

    ...Request for Inspection related to the above-referenced Project. The second Re- quest has been assigned IPN Request Number RQ09/03. Because the second Request raises similar issues and refers to the same project as the Request of March 12, and for reasons of economy and efficiency, the Panel advised Management that it would consider processing both requests jointly. Unless specifically noted, these are collectively hereafter referred to as the “Requests.” 2. Structure of the Text. The docume...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  4. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Timeline: 54-Register (English)

    ...Request Second Other Request Comments 1. Request for Inspection received by Feb. 25, 2009 March 13, 2009 Secretariat 2. Request Registered March 12, 2009 March 19, 2009 3. Notice of Registration with the Request March 12, 2009 March 19, 2009 sent to the President 4. Notice of Registration sent to: 5. Requesters 6. Executive Directors ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  5. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Registration: 54-First Notice of Registration (English)

    ...Request, one of the Requesters has been placed on retirement by Gécamines and the other is unemployed and not receiving adequate support. Also, the Request makes references to a civil lawsuit between one of the Requesters and another employee of Gécamines. The Requesters state their different “rights and interests,” according to DRC laws and to an agreement signed between Gécamines and labor unions. They also state that “the World Bank failed to observe its rules and procedures in the context of...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  6. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Management Action Plan: 54-Second Management Progress Report (English)

    ...request was received on December 15, 2009, Management issued a Second Response on March 9, 2010 informing the Inspection Panel that this Second Response will (i) focus on the specific issues raised in the third Request, and (ii) provide an update on the Action Plan with respect to matters raised in the two previous Requests, supplemented by any additional actions considered to be warranted by the Third Request. The Inspection Panel ultimately issued a second eligibility repor...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  7. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Eligibility: 54-Third and Final Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection related to the retrenchment operation financed by the same Project. The Request concerned the Project’s impact on former employees of three state-owned banks (the “Three Banks Request”).3 This Request is similar to the previous ones in its allegation 1 This Request (the “First Gécamines Request”) was submitted by Mr. Chola Kabamba and Mr. Assani Kyombi, both residents of Likasi, Katanga, in the DRC, acting as former employees of the State mining enterprise...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  8. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Management Action Plan: 54-Second Management Response and Report on Progress (English)

    ...Requests for Inspection. The Board approved the Panel’s recommendation on June 11, 2009. 3. On January 7, 2010, the Inspection Panel registered a third Request for Inspec- tion, IPN Request RQ10/01 (hereafter referred to as “the Request”), concerning the PSDC, which is the subject of this response. 4. This third Request for Inspection was submitted by Mr. Freddy Kituba Kimbwel and Mr. Timothée Lobe Bangudu, on behalf of the “Intersyndicale,” which represents former employees of three...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  9. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Eligibility: 54-Second Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Requests 104. As stated above, in its first Report and Recommendation the Panel confirmed the eligibility of the Gécamines-related Requests and Requesters and, in this Report, the Panel confirms the eligibility of the Request and Requesters relating to the three banks. What follows are the Panel’s observations pertaining to the main issues raised in these Requests. 105. Main issues raised in the Gécamines Requests. The Panel observes that the Requesters’ focus ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009