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3 Results

Showing Only Rio Bogota Environmental Recuperation and Flood Control Project (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > Rio Bogota Environmental Recuperation and Flood Control Project

    Registration: 108-Notice of Registration(English)

    ...Request does not concern issues of procurement; and (vii) the Request is not the same as a previous Request on which the Panel has already made a recommendation. Registration of the Request 18. As provided in paragraph 17 of the IBRD Resolution ("the Resolution") that established the Panel, "the Chairperson of the Panel shall inform the Executive Directors and the President of the Bank promptly upon receiving a request for inspection." With this 4 At the time of receipt of the Request, the...

    WB Inspection Panel - Colombia - 2016
  2. Complaint > Rio Bogota Environmental Recuperation and Flood Control Project

    Management Response: 108-Management Response(English)

    ...Request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ 16/03 (hereafter referred to as “the Request”), concerning the Colombia: Rio Bogotá Environmental Recuperation and Flood Control Project (P111479, the Project), financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank). 2. Two Requests (registered together) were submitted by members of the “Mesa Ciudadana Cortijo Tibaguya” and “Fundación Colectivo Somos Uno” (“the Requesters”), respectively, who asked the Panel to keep individua...

    WB Inspection Panel - Colombia - 2016
  3. Complaint > Rio Bogota Environmental Recuperation and Flood Control Project

    Filing: 108-Request for Inspection

    ...President of the Republic - Dr. Juan Manuel Santos Calderón - President; Office of the Mayor of Bogota - Dr. Enrique Peñaloza - Mayor; Administrative Tribunal of Cundinamarca - Dr. Nelly Villamizar - Judge; CAR Cundinamarca - Dr. Nestor Franco - Director General; SAD - Department of Environment - Secretary; IDRD - Director; Water and Sewerage Company of Bogota [Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá] - Management; Congress of Colombia - Senators; House of Representatives of Colombia - R...

    WB Inspection Panel - Colombia - 2016