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  1. Complaint > Rondonia Natural Resources Management Project

    Eligibility: Inspection Panel Report and Recommendation

    ...President of Brazil and t h e President of INCRA, c@es to t h e Wx&BaXL These documents, which can be found in ANNEX 05, include: a) letter t o the President of B r a z i l on 5/28/92, b) letter t o the President of IL'EicRA on 8/14/92, c) letter to the President of . nüCRA on 9/8/92, and d ) letter t o the President of IHCRA on 4/15/93 9- ûn k c h 9, 1993, t h e n o n - g o v e m a t a l organization ECOPORS (Jiçao ikológica Vale do Guaporé ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1995
  2. Complaint > Rondonia Natural Resources Management Project

    Management Action Plan: Management Progress Report

    ...Request for Inspection related to the project (“Request”). Background information is provided in Attachment 1 to this report, and the findings of the Panel’s “Additional Review of the Request” of December 1995 are in Attachment 2. 2. In its “Status Report” submitted to the Board on December 20, 1995 the Management included in Annex D an “Agreed Plan of Action” (“Plan”) which was aimed at improving project implementation and addressing the concerns raised in the R...

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1995
  3. Complaint > Rondonia Natural Resources Management Project

    Timeline: Register

    ...Request for Inspection received by Secretariat June 16, 1995 2. Request Registered June 19, 1995 3. Notice of Registration with the Request sent to the June 19, 1995 President 4. Notice of Registration sent to: 5. Requesters 6. Executive Directors June 19, 1995 7. Notice ofRegistration put on Internet PIC [hand delivered] to beforwarded to Tokyo, London & Paris WB offices....

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1995
  4. Complaint > Rondonia Natural Resources Management Project

    Registration: Notice of Registration

    ...REQUEST RQ95/3 June 19, 1995 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION Dear Sirs/Madams: Re: Request for Inspection - Rondonia Natural Resources Management Project (Loan 3444 BR) The Inspection Panel (the “Panel”) received a Request for Inspection (the “Request”) on June 16, 1995 from Coordenação da União das Nações e Povos Indígenas de Ron...

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1995
  5. Complaint > Rondonia Natural Resources Management Project

    Eligibility: Additional Review (English)

    ...Request, communities previously adversely affected in Rondonia by the POLONOROESTE program expected beneficial effects from the implementation of PLANAFLORO according to the standards and timetable promised by the Bank, but expectations were not met. Therefore, on June 14, 1995, the intended beneficiaries represented by local non governmental organizations (“NGOs”) requested the Panel to investigate (“Request for Inspection”) the reasons for the Bank’s failure to carry out its commitment to prev...

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1995
  6. Complaint > Rondonia Natural Resources Management Project

    Filing: Request for Inspection

    ...President of Brazil and t h e President of INCRA, c@es to t h e Wx&BaXL These documents, which can be found in ANNEX 05, include: a) letter t o the President of B r a z i l on 5/28/92, b) letter t o the President of IL'EicRA on 8/14/92, c) letter to the President of . nüCRA on 9/8/92, and d ) letter t o the President of IHCRA on 4/15/93 9- ûn k c h 9, 1993, t h e n o n - g o v e m a t a l organization ECOPORS (Jiçao ikológica Vale do Guaporé ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1995