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  1. Complaint > Second Urban Environment Sanitation Project

    Timeline: 49-Register (English)

    ...Request for Inspection received by Secretariat August 16, 2007 2. Request Registered August 22, 2007 3. Notice of Registration with the Request sent to the August 22, 2007 President and the Board of Executive Directors 4. Executive Director representing country concerned August 22, 2007 informed 5. Requesters informed August 22, 2007 6. Notice of Registration put on the Interne...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana - 2007
  2. Complaint > Second Urban Environment Sanitation Project

    Registration: 49-Notice of Registration (English)

    ...Requesters in connection with the Request will be sent to Sylvia Noagbesenu and Bret Thiele, as the representatives of the Requesters. Pursuant to paragraph 17 of the Panel’s Operating Procedures (the ‘Operating Procedures’), I am notifying you that I have, on August 22, 2007 registered this Request in the Inspection Panel Register. In accordance with paragraph 18 of the IDA Resolution that established the Panel (‘Resolution’), paragraphs 2 and 8 of the “Conclusions of the Board’...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana - 2007
  3. Complaint > Second Urban Environment Sanitation Project

    Management Action Plan: 49-Third Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ07/06, concerning the Second Urban Environmental Sanitation Project (UESP II) in Ghana. The Request was submitted by the Accra-based Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) on behalf of the Agyemankata community, which lives in the area known as Kwabenya within the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (the Requesters). The Request focused on one of the sub- components of the overall Project, namely the proposed Kwabenya sanitary landfill. The Requesters cl...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana - 2007
  4. Complaint > Second Urban Environment Sanitation Project

    Management Action Plan: 49-Second Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ07/06 (hereafter referred to as “the Request”), concerning the Second Urban Environmental Sanitation Project (UESP II) in Ghana, financed by IDA Credit No. 3889-GH. The Request for Inspection was submitted by the Accra-based Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) on behalf of the Agyemankata community, which lives in the area known as Kwabenya within the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (hereafter referred to as the “Requesters”). The Request focused ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana - 2007
  5. Complaint > Second Urban Environment Sanitation Project

    Other: 49-Press Release on Board Discussion (English)

    ...requested in August 2007 by the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) on behalf of the Agyemankata Community, which resides in the Kwabenya township in Greater Accra. The Request focused on a specific project subcomponent, the proposed Kwabenya sanitary landfill, which was to be constructed to serve the solid waste management requirements of Greater Accra. The Requesters claimed that they would be adversely affected by the Bank’s failure to comply with its own operat...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana - 2007
  6. Complaint > Second Urban Environment Sanitation Project

    Management Action Plan: 49-First Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ07/06 (hereafter referred to as “the Request”), concerning the Second Urban Environmental Sanitation Project (UESP II) in Ghana, financed by IDA Credit No. 3889-GH. The Request for Inspection was submitted by the Accra-based Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) on behalf of the Agyemankata community, which lives in the area known as Kwabenya within the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (hereafter referred to as the “Requesters”). The Request focused ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana - 2007
  7. Complaint > Second Urban Environment Sanitation Project

    Compliance Report: 49-Investigation Report (English)

    ...Requests After the Panel receives a Request for Inspection it is processed as follows:  The Panel decides whether the Request is prima facie not barred from Panel consideration.  The Panel registers the Request—a purely administrative procedure.  The Panel sends the Request to Bank Management, which has 21 working days to respond to the allegations of the Requesters.  The Panel then conducts a short 21 working-day assessment to determine the eligibility of the Requesters ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana - 2007
  8. Complaint > Second Urban Environment Sanitation Project

    Eligibility: 49-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Request was submitted by the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) on behalf of the Agyemankata Community, which lives in an area known as Kwabenya in Ga District, Ghana. 2. The Panel registered the Request on August 22, 2007 1 and notified the Executive Directors, the President of IDA and the Requesters that it had registered the Request. The Panel received Bank Management’s Response to the Request on September 21, 2007 (“the Management Response”). 3. As p...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana - 2007
  9. Complaint > Second Urban Environment Sanitation Project

    Eligibility: 49-Management Report and Recommendation (English)

    ...Request and Investigation 1. On August 22, 2007, the Inspection Panel registered a Request for Inspection concerning the World Bank’s Second Urban Environmental Sanitation Project (UESP II) in Ghana. The Accra-based Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) submitted the Request on behalf of the Agyemankata community, resident in the Kwabenya part of the Accra metropolitan area. The Request focused on one Project subcomponent, the proposed Kwabenya sanitary landfill. The Requesters cla...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana - 2007