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  1. Complaint > Smallholder Agriculture Development Project

    Timeline: 62-Register (English)

    ...Request for Inspection received by Secretariat December 8, 2009 2. Request Registered December 17, 2009 3. Notice of Registration with the Request sent to the December 17, 2009 President 4. Notice of Registration sent to: 5. Requesters December 17, 2009 6. Executive Directors December 17, 2009 7. Notice of Registration put on the Inspection Panel December 17, 2009 w...

    WB Inspection Panel - Papua New Guinea - 2009
  2. Complaint > Smallholder Agriculture Development Project

    Registration: 62-Notice of Registration (English)

    ...Request in the Inspection Panel Register. Please note that 4 the Panel's registration is an administrative procedure and it implies no judgment whatsoever concerning the merits of the Request for Inspection. Until further notice, all communications with the Requesters in connection with the Request will be sent to Mr. Damien Ase, as the representative of the Requesters. As provided in paragraph 18 of the IDA Resolution tha...

    WB Inspection Panel - Papua New Guinea - 2009
  3. Complaint > Smallholder Agriculture Development Project

    Eligibility: 62-Management Report and Recommendation (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ 09/10 (hereafter referred to as “the Request”), concerning the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Smallholder Agriculture Development Project (“SADP” or “the Project”) financed by the International Development Association (IDA). The Request for Inspection was submitted by the Ahora/Kakandetta Pressure Group, affected customary land owners from Oro province and smallholders in one of the three Project areas (the “Requesters”). The Requesters asked that their identities ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Papua New Guinea - 2009
  4. Complaint > Smallholder Agriculture Development Project

    Filing: 62-Request for Inspection (English)

    ...request, we note paragraph 25(dl of the World Bank Disclosure Policy: Additional Issues which states: "In response to requests from the Executive Directors, member countries, or other interested outside parties ..... the President 0 f the World Bank (or a person designated by the President) may authorize di.closure, in consultation with the General Counsel .•.•••• documents that could be considered include Country Portfolio Performance Reviews. information relating to mid-term reviewa, aide-memo...

    WB Inspection Panel - Papua New Guinea - 2009
  5. Complaint > Smallholder Agriculture Development Project

    Management Response: 62-Management Response (English)

    ...Requesters and NGOs 102. The Bank’s first engagement with NGOs regarding the SADP occurred during the November 2002 identification mission, and with the Requesters in January 2004. Since then, the Bank has proactively engaged with the Requesters’ representatives, and representatives of other NGOs; has maintained correspondence with the Requesters; and has reiterated its interest in continuing engagement with the Requesters. 103. Over the Project preparation period, the Requesters’ concerns have ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Papua New Guinea - 2009
  6. Complaint > Smallholder Agriculture Development Project

    Management Response: 62-Management Response (Tok Pisin)

    ...Request RQ09/10 (bihain long diepela ol kolim “The Request”) aninit long PNG SADP – Divelopmen Projek long ol Liklik Fama insait long Papua New Guinea (IDA Credit 43740-PNG) na Intenesenel Divelopmen Asosiesen (International Divelopment Association – IDA) givim moni long dispela projek. 2. Tok Stap Long Pepa. Pepa i gat ol hap tok stap insait: Hap II Mekim Askim, Hap III, givim toksave na ol arapela tok long oil pam Projek long PNG, Hap IV, tok long Bikpela tingting, Hap V ol bekim bilong Wol Be...

    WB Inspection Panel - Papua New Guinea - 2009
  7. Complaint > Smallholder Agriculture Development Project

    Management Response: 62-Ol Bekim Menesmen l Wokim Wantaim Ol Tingting Bilong Tok Orait (Tok Pisin)

    ...Presidents oli askim tu long wantaim ol planti wanem taem bai ol wok long rot istat.  opisa makim Projek long fil Narapela Kivung wantaim Local Level Government Infomal Presidents na District Administrators long sainim 27  kivung konsen fom; SADP na as tingting bilong ol fom ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Papua New Guinea - 2009