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Showing Only Southern Transport Development Project (STDP) (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Filing: Request for compliance review with 3 attachments:[PDF] Harm to requesters New evidence Breaches of ADB Guidelines & Safeguard Policies

    ...President. We do not wish the submission of this Request to be seen or acted upon as a request to stop the OSPF from following up on the Complaint. The Joint Organization members include Unified Society for the Protection of Akmeemana (USPA), Gama Surakeema Sanvidhaniya (GSS), and many individuals along the Colombo Matara Highway. The President who is also an Affected Person is a signatory to this Request together with Officials of USPA and GSS. In support of the Requesters a few members of the ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka
  2. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Registration: Notice of Registration [PDF]

    ...request with the -requisite basic infonnation- as referred to in paragraph 30 of the CRP Operating Procedures. Based on the Request and the subsequent emsil exchange, the Request is filt:!d by JO representing 28 persons negatively affected by the Project (Requesters). The Requesters daim that the -ADB RRP [Report and Recommendation to the President] and its attached documentation were for a trace known as the Combined Trace (CT). At least, 40% of this trace has since been altered by the Road Dev...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka
  3. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Monitoring: Annual Monitoring Report [PDF] Report sent to Requesters

    ...request for compliance review (Request) on the Southern Transport Development Project1 (STDP or Project) in Sri Lanka. The Request was submitted by the Joint Organization of the Affected Communities of the Colombo Matara Highway (Requesters). The CRP determined that the request was eligible, and the Board of Directors (Board) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) authorized the CRP to conduct a compliance review. The Panel reviewed and investigated the request and submitted to the Board its Final ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka
  4. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Monitoring: Annual Monitoring Report [PDF] Report sent to Requesters

    ...request for compliance review of the Southern Transport Development Project1 (STDP or Project) in Sri Lanka. The request was submitted by the Joint Organization of the Affected Communities of the Colombo Matara Highway (requesters). CRP determined that the request was eligible, and the Board of Directors (Board) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) authorized a compliance review by CRP. The Panel reviewed and investigated the request and submitted its findings and recommendations to the Board in ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka - 2009
  5. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Compliance Report: CRP Final Report [PDF] (Management Response and Requester Response to CRP Draft Report are attached)

    ...request for compliance review (Request) on the Southern Transport Development Project 1 (STDP or Project) in Sri Lanka. The Request was submitted by the Joint Organization of the Affected Communities of the Colombo Matara Highway (JO or Requesters). The Request is in Appendix 1. The CRP met in December 2004 and determined that the request was eligible, and as required under the CRP Operating Procedures, recommended to the ADB's Board of Directors (Board) to authorize the CRP to conduct a complia...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka
  6. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Monitoring: Annual Monitoring Report [PDF] Report sent to Requesters

    ...request for compliance review (Request) on the Southern Transport Development Project 1 (STDP or Project) in Sri Lanka. The Request was submitted by the Joint Organization of the Affected Communities of the Colombo Matara Highway (JO or Requesters). The CRP determined that the request was eligible, and ADB's Board of Directors (Board) authorized the CRP to conduct a compliance review. The Panel reviewed and investigated the request and submitted to the Board its Final Report with its findings an...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka
  7. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Monitoring: Annual Monitoring Report [PDF]

    ...request for compliance review of the Southern Transport Development Project1 (STDP) in Sri Lanka. The request was submitted by the Joint Organization of the Affected Communities of the Colombo Matara Highway. The CRP determined that the request was eligible and the Board of Directors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) authorized a compliance review. The CRP reviewed and investigated the request and submitted its findings and recommendations in a final report to the Board in June 2005 which the ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka
  8. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Monitoring: Annual Monitoring Report [PDF] Report sent to Requesters

    ...request for compliance review of the Southern Transport Development Project1 (STDP) in Sri Lanka. The request was submitted by the Joint Organization of the Affected Communities of the Colombo Matara Highway. The CRP determined that the request was eligible and the Board of Directors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) authorized a compliance review. The CRP reviewed and investigated the request and submitted its findings and recommendations in a final report to the Board in June 2005 which the ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka