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Showing Only BTC Pipeline-07/Dgvari (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > BTC Pipeline-07/Dgvari

    Filing: Complaint, November 11, 2009

    ...Vice- president of IFC, and to the Office of the President of the WB Group (also copied to other interested parties ) regarding developments in the Biobio basin, a region that as you may know has been impacted by WB Group (both IBRD and IFC) funded hydroelectric projects (El Toro Project, Pangue/Ralco, Quilleco ). As a result of the controversy surrounding the construction of the first two of a series of dams planned for the Biobio river (Pangue and Ralco dams), the WB Group´s involvemen...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Georgia