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  1. Complaint > Ecodevelopment Project

    Eligibility: 11-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...President, International Development Association EXTENSION: 85120 SUBJECT: INDIA - Ecodevelopment Project (Cr. No. 2916-IN; GEF TGF No. TF028479-IN) Management Response to Request for Inspection 1. Reference is made to the Memorandum dated April 3, 1998, to the President of the International Development Association, by which the Chairman of the Inspection Panel requested Association Management to provide the Panel w...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 1998
  2. Complaint > Ecodevelopment Project

    Filing: 11-Request for Inspection (English)

    ...vices of the ultra urban culture. The adivasi secured a land mark judgement by the court terming the resort project 'illegal' and Jirecting this Indian MNC to hand over the property at Nagarahole to the Government Noting the dangers of consumptive touriFts and projects JJuch as resorts being destructive to the eco balance, the court observes in its orders. "The issues raised herein are quite fw1darnental in natw·e affecting the wider public interest requiring maintenance of ecological ...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 1998