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Showing Only Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Filing: 54-First Request for Inspection (English)

    ...Vice President in Washington and the Director of the its Office in Kinshasa, but to no avail (see our letters No. 001/ACK/AK/01/2009 of January 27, 2009 and No. 002/ACK/AK/01/2009 of January 27, 2009). In these approaches to the World Bank we first endeavored, by our letter of January 27, 2009, to obtain clear and precise answers on the measures contemplated by that international financial institution in the short term to address our respective problems. Then, in our letter of ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  2. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Management Response: 54-Management Response (English)

    ...Vice President of DRC, 0306/RDC/VPR/CSC/EIC/PK/06, Letter to Managing Director of Gécamines, Issue of mass lay-off at Gécamines, named “Voluntary Departure Pro- gram”, in the framework of the restructuring of this public enterprise in 2003, June 2006 State Minister to the President, PR/MIN.ET/058/vk/2007, Letter to the Prime Minister, Issue of 10,655 Gécamines’ workers laid off in 2003, April 10, 2007 Gécamines, ADG/394/2007, Letter to the State Minister to the President, regarding his letter PR...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  3. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Management Action Plan: 54-Second Management Response and Report on Progress (English)

    ...vice for technical staff (agents d’exécution) o 26 working days + 8 days per year of service for middle management (cadres de collabo- ration) o 91 working days + 15 days per year of service for executives (autres cadres) o Calculation basis: base salary + annuities + housing indemnity o This indemnity is doubled for trade union representatives if their mandate is valid • Bonus (for the current year): only the June bo...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  4. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Management Action Plan: 54-Second Management Progress Report (English)

    ...President Vice. President Representative Representative Thursday February 24 ANAPECO – Likasi Chief de Service, Ustawi School President Anapeco Ustawi I Partants Volontaires – Likasi Friday February 25 Ecole Maadini Prefet/Director Director of Studies Gécamines Hum...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  5. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Eligibility: 54-Third and Final Eligibility Report (English)

    ...vices, following the implementation of the VDP, was less than the promised two years. They added that they often had difficulty accessing schooling and medical services and that the gradual reduction in Gécamines’ investment in such services may have resulted in a decline in their quality. 27. Based on its analysis of the Second Management Response,27 the three Requests for Inspection, Paragraphs 4 and 5 of the 1999 Clarifications, 28 and Management’s commitment to the B...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  6. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Eligibility: 54-Second Eligibility Report (English)

    ...vice). 75 64. Concerning the proposed strategy to tackle public enterprise reforms actions, Management stated that in October 2009, COPIREP hired a consultant (Core Advice) to help the Government think through the social costs of public enterprise reform. 76 On December 19, 2009, this consultant met with the Government’s Economic and Reconstruction Commission (ECOREC) on the social dimension of public enterprises reform and highlighted the urgency to tackle this i...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009