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Showing Only Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project for Low Income States - Second Request (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project for Low Income States - Second Request

    Management Response: Management Response (English)

    ...vices to rural areas where such services are now non-existent. It targets poor populations, areas where water sources are contaminated, and areas with high tribal populations. The MVSs introduce a new service level in rural areas, with 24/7 availability, water meters, and a new management model, based on public-private partnerships for a DBOT contract including O&M for a period of five years. At the state level, the Project is supporting the state government in putting in place policies for sust...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2018
  2. Complaint > Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project for Low Income States - Second Request

    Eligibility: Inspection Panel Report and Recommendation

    ...vices for the rural poor, using a decentralized approach to ensure inclusion and equity, promoting a high level of service through house connections and introducing new management models for service delivery. This Project has targeted the most underdeveloped and low-income states with a very low level of access to tap- supplied drinking water. As per the 2011 census, tap water coverage was only 2.6 percent in Bihar, 3.7 percent Jharkhand, 6.8 percent in Assam and 20.2 percent UP, whereas coverag...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2018