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Showing Only Special Structural Adjustment Loan (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > Special Structural Adjustment Loan

    Management Response: 17-Management Response (English)

    ...President’s Report or Memorandum of the President similarly submitted in connection with approval of an adjustment loan is explicitly not subject to public disclosure (compare BP 17.50, paras. 6 and 7 with Disclosure Memo footnote 2, which – based on Disclosure Policy para. 50 -- states that “the President’s Report for adjustment operations is … not made available to the public”). Disclosure Policy para. 52 also makes the crucial point that “[t]here is also a need to preserve the integrity of th...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina - 1999
  2. Complaint > Special Structural Adjustment Loan

    Eligibility: 17-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...President’s Report or Memorandum of the President similarly submitted in connection with approval of an adjustment loan is explicitly not subject to public disclosure (compare BP 17.50, paras. 6 and 7 with Disclosure Memo footnote 2, which – based on Disclosure Policy para. 50 -- states that “the President’s Report for adjustment operations is … not made available to the public”). Disclosure Policy para. 52 also makes the crucial point that “[t]here is also a need to preserve the integrity of th...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina - 1999
  3. Complaint > Special Structural Adjustment Loan

    Filing: 17-Request for Inspection (English)

    Volume I of II BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laura Jordán de Conte REQUEST. ANNEX A Chair CELS María Angélica Sosa de CENTER FOR LEGAL AND SOCIAL STUDIES Mignone Vice Chair Rodríguez Peña 286 – 1st floor ; (1020) Buenos Aires - Argentine Republic Patricia Valdez Tel: (54-1-1) 4371-9968/3790 – Fax: (54-...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina - 1999