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Showing Only Yacyreta Hydroelectric Project (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > Yacyreta Hydroelectric Project

    Compliance Review: Review and Assessment (English)

    ...President, by the then existing office of the Senior Vice President, Operations, in the form of general instructions, supplemented occasionally by “Operational Circulars” or less formal notes from the Senior Vice President, Operations. Following the 1987 reorganization, OMSs were gradually reflected in new documents called “Operational Directives” or “ODs,” some of 1 See ibrahirn F.I. Shihata, The World Bank Inspection Panel, Oxford Univer...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina, Paraguay - 1996
  2. Complaint > Yacyreta Hydroelectric Project

    Eligibility: Additional Review (English)

    ...vices already present were removed from those areas by the authorities and not replaced; or (b) whether it was reasonable to expect, in the absence of the Yacyretá project, that additional services now missing in the areas would have in fact been provided by the authorities. As for point (a), we are not aware of any elimination of previously existing services. As for point (b), our understanding is that at least a portion of the areas in question would probably have remained marginalized since t...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina, Paraguay - 1996
  3. Complaint > Yacyreta Hydroelectric Project

    Eligibility: Inspection Panel Report and Recommendation(English)

    ...Vice President and Cecretary December 26,1996 INSPECTION PANEL Reauest for Insoection Argentina/Paramav: Yacvretá Hvdroelectric Project Panel Report and Recommendation Attached is a memorandum from the Acting Executive Cecretary of the Inspection Panel dated December 24,1996, transmittin...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina, Paraguay - 1996