EBRD Independent Project Accountability Mechanism | Accountability Console
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Independent Project Accountability Mechanism

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development


Name: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Acronym: EBRD

Year Founded: 1991

Support: Equity, Loans, Other

Sectors: Agribusiness, Community capacity and development, Conservation and environmental protection, Energy, Extractives (oil, gas, mining), Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Other, Regulatory Development



Mechanism: Independent Project Accountability Mechanism

Acronym: IPAM

Year Founded: 2020-07-01

Year Reviewed:

Website: Link

Registry: Link

Total Complaints: 47

Active Complaints: 11

IPAM is the independent accountability mechanism of the EBRD. IPAM reviews environmental, social and transparency-related issues raised by Project-affected people and civil society organisations about EBRD financed projects, which are believed to have caused harm. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that the Projects financed by the EBRD are implemented in line with the Bank's commitments to environmental and social sustainability. The purpose of the mechanism is to: Facilitate the resolution of disputes between Project-affected People, the Bank, and EBRD Clients Determine whether the Bank has complied with its Environmental and Social Policy and Access to Information Policy Share institutional learnings with Bank staff, where common challenges are identified, promoting continuous learning at EBRD Engage with stakeholders across countries of operation, to ensure IPAM’s purpose, functions and activities are known and understood by all stakeholders. IPAM’s work is guided by principles of independence and impartiality; transparency; predictability; equitability and accessibility.


Issues Raised in IPAM Complaints

Projects in IPAM Complaints

Countries of IPAM Complaints

How Are Complaints Handled?

Complaint Map

EBRD Independent Project Accountability Mechanism

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development IPAM ComplaintsIAMCountryDate FiledStatus
Belgrade Solid Waste PPP EBRD IPAM Serbia 24/11/2020 Monitoring
Belgrade Solid Waste PPP EBRD IPAM Serbia 11/09/2019 Closed With Outputs
CMI Offshore EBRD IPAM Regional 19/10/2017 Closed With Outputs
Corridor Vc 2 Project EBRD IPAM Bosnia and Herzegovina 13/07/2020 Closed With Outputs Outside Process
Corridor Vc 2 (Request #2) EBRD IPAM Bosnia and Herzegovina 06/06/2023 Closed Without Outputs
Corridor Vc 2 (Request #3) EBRD IPAM Bosnia and Herzegovina 13/07/2023 Active
Corridor Vc Doboj - Bypass EBRD IPAM Bosnia and Herzegovina 19/12/2022 Active
Corridor Vc in FBH - Part 3 Project EBRD IPAM Bosnia and Herzegovina 06/01/2020 Monitoring
Corridor Vc in FBH - Part 3 (Request #2) EBRD IPAM Bosnia and Herzegovina 26/04/2023 Active
DFF Adriatic Metals EBRD IPAM Bosnia and Herzegovina 15/08/2022 Active
IPAM Case 202309 EBRD IPAM 03/08/2023 Active
Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund EBRD IPAM Bulgaria 07/03/2018 Active
Lukoil Shah Deniz Stage II EBRD IPAM Azerbaijan 05/09/2017 Monitoring
Lydian (Amulsar Gold Mine) - Extension EBRD IPAM Armenia 19/05/2020 Active
Maritsa East Mines EBRD IPAM Bulgaria 28/10/2021 Active
Maritsa East Mines (BEH Bond Issue) EBRD IPAM Bulgaria 16/10/2017 Closed Without Outputs
MHP Corporate Support Loan, MHP Biogas EBRD IPAM Ukraine 05/06/2018 Active
Nenskra HPP EBRD IPAM Georgia 30/05/2018 Monitoring
North-South Corridor (Kvesheti-Kobi) Road Project EBRD IPAM Georgia 27/09/2019 Monitoring
Saint Gobain Construction Products Russia EBRD IPAM Russia 07/08/2020 Closed Without Outputs
Sarajevo Urban Roads Development Project EBRD IPAM Bosnia and Herzegovina 25/04/2018 Closed Without Outputs
Shuakhevi HPP EBRD IPAM Georgia 16/07/2018 Monitoring
Shuakhevi HPP EBRD IPAM Georgia 09/02/2018 Closed Without Outputs
Southeast Europe Equity Fund II EBRD IPAM Regional 02/08/2017 Monitoring
Titan 2027 Eurobond EBRD IPAM Egypt 25/10/2022 Active
Tumad Gold Mines Development EBRD IPAM Turkey 23/08/2020 Closed Without Outputs
Turk Traktor EBRD IPAM Turkey 02/09/2015 Closed With Outputs
Ulaanbaatar Darkhan Road EBRD IPAM Mongolia 31/03/2022 Active
Unknown EBRD IPAM Unknown Closed Without Outputs
Unknown EBRD IPAM Unknown Closed Without Outputs
Unknown EBRD IPAM Unknown Closed Without Outputs
Unknown EBRD IPAM Unknown Closed Without Outputs
Unknown EBRD IPAM Unknown Closed Without Outputs
Unknown EBRD IPAM Unknown Closed Without Outputs
Unknown EBRD IPAM Unknown Closed Without Outputs
Unknown EBRD IPAM Unknown Closed Without Outputs
Unknown EBRD IPAM Unknown Closed Without Outputs
Unknown IPAM 1 2021 EBRD IPAM Unknown 01/01/2021 Closed Without Outputs
Unknown IPAM 2 2021 EBRD IPAM Unknown 01/01/2021 Closed Without Outputs
Unknown IPAM 3 202 EBRD IPAM Unknown 01/01/2021 Closed Without Outputs
Unknown IPAM 4 2021 EBRD IPAM Unknown 01/01/2021 Closed Without Outputs
Unknown IPAM 5 2021 EBRD IPAM Unknown 01/01/2021 Closed Without Outputs
Unknown IPAM 6 2021 EBRD IPAM Unknown 01/01/2021 Closed Without Outputs
Unknown IPAM 7 2021 EBRD IPAM Unknown 01/01/2021 Closed Without Outputs
Unknown IPAM 8 2021 EBRD IPAM Unknown 01/01/2021 Closed Without Outputs
Unknown IPAM 9 2021 EBRD IPAM Unknown 01/01/2021 Closed Without Outputs
UPTF - Mariupol Trolleybus Project EBRD IPAM Ukraine 17/04/2020 Closed Without Outputs