AIIB Project-affected People’s Mechanism | Accountability Console
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Project-affected People’s Mechanism

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank


Name: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Acronym: AIIB

Year Founded: None

Support: Loans

Sectors: Energy

Regions: East Asia and the Pacific, South Asia


Mechanism: Project-affected People’s Mechanism

Acronym: PPM

Year Founded:

Year Reviewed:

Website: Link

Registry: Link

Total Complaints: 2

Active Complaints: 0

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is in the process of establishing a Department of Compliance Effectiveness and Integrity (DCEI). Information on this new mechanism will be added soon.

Please visit for the latest version of this Guide.


Issues Raised in PPM Complaints

Projects in PPM Complaints

Countries of PPM Complaints

How Are Complaints Handled?

Complaint Map