Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Road Sector Project | Accountability Console
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Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Road Sector Project




Projects in this Sector: 592

Browse Projects

Regulatory Development


Projects in this Sector: 125

Browse Projects

Issues Raised

Consultation and disclosure


Projects with this Issue Raised: 538

Browse Projects

Displacement (physical and/or economic)


Projects with this Issue Raised: 494

Browse Projects



Projects with this Issue Raised: 408

Browse Projects

Human rights


Projects with this Issue Raised: 66

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Indigenous peoples


Projects with this Issue Raised: 89

Browse Projects



Projects with this Issue Raised: 345

Browse Projects

Project Information

Investment ID: P096021

Bank: World Bank

Environmental Category: A

Country: India

Region: South Asia

Approval Date: Oct. 15, 2009

Investment Types: No IFI involvement

Total Project Cost: No recorded data on this

Total Complaints: 2


The objective of the Andhra Pradesh Road Sector project for India is to provide better quality, capacity and safe roads to users in a sustainable manner through enhanced institutional capacity of the Andhra Pradesh government in the road sector. The project comprises four components: 1. Road Improvement component comprises two activities designed to upgrade and maintain the Core Road Network (CRN): (a) upgrading about 429 km of priority state highways under public sector financing; and (b) maintenance of 6,241 km of the CRN under Long-term Performance-based Maintenance Contracts. 2. Public Private Partnership (PPP) Facilitation component will strengthen the capacity of the Government of Andhra Pradesh (GOAP) to attract private sector participation in financing, development, and management of selected high traffic density corridors. 3. Institutional Strengthening component will provide targeted technical assistance, training and advisory services for: (a) operationalization of the Road Development cooperation, with requisite capacity for its responsibilities in managing the CRN and new PPP projects; and (b) various aspects of project implementation including the Asset Management Program, the Governance and Accountability Action Plan and the Institutional Strengthening Action Plan. 4. Road Safety component will help GOAP to provide safer road corridors by initiating measures to reduce road accidents on major corridors, in particular by assisting the concerned GOAP agencies to (a) undertake demonstration projects on selected CRN corridors, (b) carry out black-spot improvement program, and (c) implement institutional and policy action plans for improving the stateÊÕs road safety responsibility framework and capacities.


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Government of Andhra Pradesh (Roads and Buildings Department), Government of India