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Corridor Vc - Doboj Bypass - 50603
Issues Raised
Project Information
Investment ID: 50603
Bank: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Environmental Category: A
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Region: Europe and Central Asia
Approval Date: None
Investment Types: Loans
Total Project Cost: EUR 255.9 million
Total Complaints: 1
"The Project will finance the construction of approximately 14 km long section of Corridor Vc to full motorway standard with dual carriageway. The section starts with a bridge over River Bosnia just south of the Rudanka interchange in Republika Srpska ("RS") in the north and continues southbound, bypassing the town of Doboj, towards the FBiH via Usora to Medakovo. The section in RS is 6 km long and includes two tunnels and a viaduct. At the end of the second tunnel (Putnikovo brdo 2) the alignment crosses into the FBH, continues for another 8 km and it includes a short bridge over river Usora and two interchanges, Karuse/Usora and Medakovo."
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