Energy for Rural Transformation III | Accountability Console
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Energy for Rural Transformation III


Community capacity and development


Projects in this Sector: 82

Browse Projects



Projects in this Sector: 241

Browse Projects



Projects in this Sector: 592

Browse Projects

Regulatory Development


Projects in this Sector: 125

Browse Projects

Issues Raised

Due diligence


Projects with this Issue Raised: 486

Browse Projects



Projects with this Issue Raised: 408

Browse Projects



Projects with this Issue Raised: 195

Browse Projects

Project Information

Investment ID: P133312

Bank: World Bank

Environmental Category: Unknown

Country: Uganda

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Approval Date: June 5, 2015

Investment Types:

Total Project Cost: No recorded data on this

Total Complaints: 2


The objective of the Third Phase of the Energy for Rural Transformation Program Project is to increase access to electricity in rural areas of Uganda. There are three components to the project, the first component being on-grid energy access. This component includes four sub-components: grid extension and associated connections, grid intensification and associated connections, household connections from existing lines, and implementation support for on-grid energy access. The second component is the off-grid energy access. This component covers off-grid energy access, including the installation of solar PV systems for public institutions in rural areas; business development support; provision of credit facilities to enhance electricity access; and quality standards enforcement support. Finally, the third component is the institutional strengthening and impacts monitoring. This component will finance TA and capacity development required to accelerate electricity access. It will also support the Government to carry out an impact monitoring and evaluation of ERT-2. TA provided under this component will finance the necessary consultancy services, capacity building activities, and operations costs. This component will be implemented by the MEMD, in collaboration with the ERA, and the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED).


Name Complaints Dispute Resolutions DR Successful Compliance Reviews Non-Compliance
Government of Republic of Uganda, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development