India: Tamil Nadu Industrial Connectivity Project | Accountability Console
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India: Tamil Nadu Industrial Connectivity Project




Projects in this Sector: 591

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Issues Raised

Community health and safety


Projects with this Issue Raised: 363

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Displacement (physical and/or economic)


Projects with this Issue Raised: 494

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Project Information

Investment ID: 51337-001

Bank: Asian Development Bank

Environmental Category: B

Country: India

Region: South Asia

Approval Date: April 8, 2021

Investment Types: Loans

Total Project Cost: USD 904.0 million

Total Complaints: 2


The project will upgrade and maintain about 590 kilometers (km) of 16 state highways to (i) enhance transport connectivity and facilitate industrial development in line with the regional economic corridor development plan for the Chennai-Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor (CKIC), and (ii) improve the road network's sustainability through performance-based maintenance (PBM). The project will also include initiatives to build institutional capacity in the Tamil Nadu Highways and Minor Ports Department (TNHD), focusing on its knowledge and research function, road safety improvement, and sector planning capacity.


Investment Type ID Amount Status Bank Client
Loans 51337-001 USD 484.0 million Active ADB Highways Department-Tamil Nadu


Name Complaints Dispute Resolutions DR Successful Compliance Reviews Non-Compliance
Highways Department-Tamil Nadu