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Maharashtra State Road Improvement Project
Issues Raised
Project Information
Investment ID: 52298-001
Bank: Asian Development Bank
Environmental Category: B
Country: India
Region: South Asia
Approval Date: April 20, 2020
Investment Types: Loans
Total Project Cost: USD 256.0 million
Total Complaints: 1
The project will upgrade and maintain about 450 kilometers (km) of state roads forming part of the core road network (CRN) in Maharashtra, which will enhance transport accessibility and efficiency, and improve the sustainability of the road network, in line with the state's Road Development Plan 2001-2021. It will involve upgrading of state roads to two-lane standard and performance-based maintenance contracts to maintain the improved road assets for 5 years after construction. It also includes initiatives to build institutional capacity within the Maharashtra Public Works Department (MPWD), the project executing agency, focusing on strengthened sustainability and road safety practices.
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