North Eastern Road-corridor Asset Management Project (NERAMP) | Accountability Console
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North Eastern Road-corridor Asset Management Project (NERAMP)




Projects in this Sector: 592

Browse Projects

Issues Raised

Consultation and disclosure


Projects with this Issue Raised: 538

Browse Projects

Cultural heritage


Projects with this Issue Raised: 120

Browse Projects

Displacement (physical and/or economic)


Projects with this Issue Raised: 494

Browse Projects



Projects with this Issue Raised: 345

Browse Projects

Property damage


Projects with this Issue Raised: 169

Browse Projects

Retaliation (actual or feared)


Projects with this Issue Raised: 71

Browse Projects

Project Information

Investment ID: P125590

Bank: World Bank

Environmental Category: B

Country: Uganda

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Approval Date: April 30, 2014

Investment Types: Loans

Total Project Cost: USD 255.0 million

Total Complaints: 1


The development objective of the North Eastern Road Corridor Asset Management Project for Uganda is to reduce transport costs, enhance road safety, and improve and preserve the road assets sustainably by applying cost effective performance based asset management contracts, along the Tororo - Kamdini road corridor. The project has two components. The first component, road rehabilitation, operations, and maintenance will finance long term output and performance-based road contract (OPRC) for the Tororo - Mbale - Soroti - Lira - Kamdini road (340 km). This component will also finance consultancy services for the project management unit that will be responsible for administering and supervising the OPRC contracts. The second component, institutional support to Uganda national roads authority (UNRA) will ensure sustainability, technical assistance to UNRA and focus on designing, awarding, and managing OPRC. The following will be provided as a package to bring about sustained and lasting culture change to deliver the benefits of OPRC: (a) asset management support and road safety; (b) support in contract supervision and management of OPRC; and (c) operating costs.


Investment Type ID Amount Status Bank Client
Loans P125590 USD 24.4 million Disbursing WB Republic of Uganda


Name Complaints Dispute Resolutions DR Successful Compliance Reviews Non-Compliance
Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)