Power System Efficiency Improvement Project | Accountability Console
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Power System Efficiency Improvement Project




Projects in this Sector: 241

Browse Projects

Issues Raised



Projects with this Issue Raised: 730

Browse Projects

Project Information

Investment ID: 37113-013

Bank: Asian Development Bank

Environmental Category: A

Country: Bangladesh

Region: South Asia

Approval Date: Aug. 11, 2011

Investment Types: Loans

Total Project Cost: USD 525.4 million

Total Complaints: 2


The draft power sector master plan 2010, updated 2016, identifies the need to add 11 CCPPs each with 450 MW capacity by 2016. The proposed Ashuganj 450 MW plant (part A) can be considered one of these CCPPs. Further, the government has identified the proposed plant as a priority project in its expansion plan. The economic cost of electricity supply from the Ashuganj CCPP is similar to or lower than those of a coal-fired power plant (based on the costs taken from the master plan), confirming that the proposed plant is among the least-cost options for generating new capacity. CCPP design will use the latest commercially available technology to harness the maximum benefit of energy efficiency. Part B of the project will demonstrate renewable energy technologies and their application for long-term large-scale penetration into the Bangladesh power system. The sub components in part B use solar photovoltaic, wind power and LEDs, which are commercially proven technologies.


Investment Type ID Amount Status Bank Client
Loans 37113-013 USD 300.0 million Active ADB