Responsive COVID-19 Vaccines for Recovery Project under the Asia Pacific Vaccine Access Facility | Accountability Console
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Responsive COVID-19 Vaccines for Recovery Project under the Asia Pacific Vaccine Access Facility


Community capacity and development


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Project Information

Investment ID: 4083-SRI

Bank: Asian Development Bank

Environmental Category: B

Country: Sri Lanka

Region: South Asia

Approval Date: July 8, 2021

Investment Types: Loans

Total Project Cost: USD 95.9 million

Total Complaints: 2


The project will provide the Government of Sri Lanka with immediate and flexible financing to support the national COVID-19 vaccination program through APVAX and the regular country allocation. The APVAX allocation comprises a rapid response component (RRC) to support the purchase of Asian Development Bank (ADB) eligible COVID-19 vaccines, while the project investment component (PIC) financed by the regular country allocation will support strengthening of the vaccination information dissemination and monitoring systems, vaccine transportation capacity, and vaccine-related medical waste management.


Investment Type ID Amount Status Bank Client
Loans 4083-SRI USD 84.0 million Planned ADB