Santa Cruz Road Corridor Connector Project (San Ignacio - San Jose) | Accountability Console
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Santa Cruz Road Corridor Connector Project (San Ignacio - San Jose)




Projects in this Sector: 592

Browse Projects

Issues Raised

Consultation and disclosure


Projects with this Issue Raised: 538

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Displacement (physical and/or economic)


Projects with this Issue Raised: 494

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Projects with this Issue Raised: 408

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Gender-based violence


Projects with this Issue Raised: 17

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Indigenous peoples


Projects with this Issue Raised: 89

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Projects with this Issue Raised: 104

Browse Projects



Projects with this Issue Raised: 345

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Violence against the community


Projects with this Issue Raised: 51

Browse Projects

Project Information

Investment ID: P152281

Bank: World Bank

Environmental Category: B

Country: Bolivia

Region: Latin America and the Caribbean

Approval Date: Jan. 11, 2017

Investment Types: Loans

Total Project Cost: USD 230.1 million

Total Complaints: 1


The objective of the Santa Cruz Road Corridor Connector Project is to improve transport accessibility along the road corridor between San Ignacio de Velasco and San Jose de Chiquitos. There are two components to the project, the first component being road upgrading. The component will cover cost of feasibility and technical design remaining for one bypass, civil works, estimated cost of price adjustments and variations, supervision, and technical audits, if required. Further, the component will provide support (through the provision of small works, goods, training, and technical assistance, as the case may be) for the implementation and supervision of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)/Environmental Management Plan (EMP), the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), and the Indigenous Peoples Plan (IPP). The second component is the technical studies and project management. This component links with the main investment by financing preparatory activities for upgrading the roughly 300 km San Matias-San Ignacio de Velasco road bi-oceanic corridor connecting with Brazil (northern corridor), including the preparation of relevant feasibility studies (including technical, economic, environmental, and social aspects) and bidding documents, excluding from the project the upgrading works of the selected road segments. That northern corridor and the investment under Component A form a contiguous stretch of road, more than 500 km in length. ABC has decided that the studies will envision investment under a PBC methodology through a 10-year DBMOT contracting approach. In addition, the component will finance relevant gender studies and PSIAs. Also supported will be provision of support for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the project including, among others: (a) the carrying out of the project audits; and (b) the carrying out of capacity-building activities on, among others, road asset management.


Investment Type ID Amount Status Bank Client
Loans P152281 USD 230.0 million Active WB Plurinational State of Bolivia

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