Suva Nausori Water Supply and Sewerage Project | Accountability Console
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Suva Nausori Water Supply and Sewerage Project




Projects in this Sector: 592

Browse Projects



Projects in this Sector: 251

Browse Projects

Issues Raised



Projects with this Issue Raised: 727

Browse Projects

Project Information

Investment ID: TA 4270-FIJ, Loan 2055-FIJ

Bank: Asian Development Bank

Environmental Category: B

Country: Fiji

Region: East Asia and the Pacific

Approval Date: Dec. 18, 2003

Investment Types: Advisory services, Loans

Total Project Cost: USD 73.2 million

Total Complaints: 1


The objective of the project is to assist human and economic development in Fiji through the development of water supply and sewerage services in the Suva and Nausori urban areas. A new water source will be developed, water treatment plants will be extended and rehabilitated, and pipelines and distribution systems will be developed; sewerage pumping stations and trunk services will be rehabilitated, and sewerage networks will be extended. The project will provide water and sewerage services of a standard that is suitable for commercialized operations, and will complement institutional developments that are being assisted by the Bank.

Related Complaints


Name Complaints Dispute Resolutions DR Successful Compliance Reviews Non-Compliance
Ministry of Works and Energy, Fiji