Larnaca Sewerage and Drainage I | Accountability Console
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Larnaca Sewerage and Drainage I


Due diligence

Description: Complaint raises concerns about inadequate or absent prior investigation of project impacts.

Complaints with this Issue: 486

Browse Complaints


Description: Complaint raises concerns regarding environmental impacts that do not refer specifically to water, pollution, or biodiversity.

Complaints with this Issue: 408

Browse Complaints



Description: Project relates to construction or improvement of large structures, facilities, or public works projects. Examples include roads and other transportation projects, sanitation and water treatment facilities, power plants, and industrial facilities.

Complaints in this Sector: 998

Browse Complaints


Name: Larnaca Sewerage and Drainage I

Investments: EIB


Support: Loans

Country: Cyprus


IAM: Complaints Mechanism (CM)

ID: SG/E/2012/07

Date Filed: May 26, 2012

Status: Closed With Outputs


On 21 May 2012, an individual lodged a complaint with the EIB Complaints Mechanism (EIB-CM) concerning the construction of a sewage pumping station only few meters away from his house in Larnaca. In the complainant's view, the construction of the pumping station has significant hazardous environmental effects, which were disregarded in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) that was produced for the project in question. In particular, the complainant raised the following points: The EIA did not make reference to the existence of a residential area around the pumping station. The EIA described the site as a relatively remote area and as being at a greater distance than the surrounding developments; There was no mention in the EIA that the site is situated opposite two listed historical buildings; The EIA did not take into account the presence of a green area around the site marked by the presence of trees and indigenous plants; The decision to exclude one of the three proposed sites was not based on the environmental impact of the pumping station but on the possible higher cost for the execution of the work in that location; The plot ratio of the site being 1% of land coverage was not respected. Finally, the complainant asked the EIB-CM to investigate whether the actions of the LSDB infringed upon EU legislation and to request the promoter to stop any work on the site in question.

Complaint Stages


May 26, 2012



Start Date: May 26, 2012


May 21, 2012 -

May 21, 2012


Status: Closed With Output

Start Date: May 21, 2012

End Date: May 21, 2012


May 21, 2012 -

July 23, 2012


Status: Closed With Output

Start Date: May 21, 2012

End Date: July 23, 2012

Dispute Resolution

Feb. 20, 2013 -

March 4, 2014

Dispute Resolution

Status: Closed With Output

Start Date: Feb. 20, 2013

End Date: March 4, 2014

Compliance Review

July 23, 2012 -

Feb. 20, 2013

Compliance Review

Status: Closed Without Output

Explanation: Mechanism deemed involvement unnecessary

Has Compliance Report: No

Non-Compliance Found: No


March 4, 2014


Status: Closed With Output

Explanation: Unknown


Not Closed



Unknown Unknown Agreement not published Unknown