Puerto Sevilla | Accountability Console
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Puerto Sevilla


Due diligence

Description: Complaint raises concerns about inadequate or absent prior investigation of project impacts.

Complaints with this Issue: 486

Browse Complaints


Description: Complaint raises concerns regarding environmental impacts that do not refer specifically to water, pollution, or biodiversity.

Complaints with this Issue: 408

Browse Complaints



Description: Project relates to construction or improvement of large structures, facilities, or public works projects. Examples include roads and other transportation projects, sanitation and water treatment facilities, power plants, and industrial facilities.

Complaints in this Sector: 995

Browse Complaints


Name: Puerto Sevilla

Investments: EIB


Support: Loans

Country: Spain


IAM: Complaints Mechanism (CM)

ID: SG/E/2013/09

Date Filed: July 16, 2013

Date Closed: July 7, 2014

Status: Closed With Outputs


In July 2013, the the EIB Complaints Mechanism (EIB-CM) received a complaint concerning the EIB's funding of the Port of Seville in Spain. The EIB had granted a EUR 100 million loan in 2006 to the Autoridad Portuaria de Sevilla to finance their medium term investment programme. This investment programme originally included two components - (i) a new entry lock and (ii) the deep dredging of the Guadalquivir River. The EIB only considered the first component for financing and appraised it as a "standalone project". The complainants alleged that the EIB failed to properly assess the global environmental impact of the project as well as the dredging works of the Guadalquivir River and its impact in the Doriana National Park, an important natural reserve declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. According to the complainants, the new entry-lock financed by the EIB and the dredging of the Guadalquivir are under no circumstance two projects independent of each other (as the EIB considered at the time of appraisal), but rather one and the same overall project.

Complaint Stages


July 16, 2013



Start Date: July 16, 2013


July 16, 2013 -

July 16, 2013


Status: Closed With Output

Start Date: July 16, 2013

End Date: July 16, 2013


July 16, 2013 -

Sept. 4, 2013


Status: Closed With Output

Start Date: July 16, 2013

End Date: Sept. 4, 2013

Dispute Resolution

Not Undertaken

Dispute Resolution

Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Case closed in earlier stage; Unknown

Compliance Review

Sept. 4, 2013 -

July 7, 2014

Compliance Review

Status: Closed With Output

Start Date: Sept. 4, 2013

End Date: July 7, 2014

Has Compliance Report: No

Non-Compliance Found: No


Not Undertaken


Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Case closed in earlier stage; Outside of mandate, Bank not found to be responsible party


July 7, 2014
