Reconquista River Basin Environmental Sanitation Program | Accountability Console
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Reconquista River Basin Environmental Sanitation Program


Community health and safety

Description: Complaint raises concerns related to public health and safety including incidents of or an increase in accidents, release of hazardous materials, and spread of diseases. Concerns related to retaliation and/or violence are not included.

Complaints with this Issue: 363

Browse Complaints


Description: Complaint raises concerns regarding environmental impacts that do not refer specifically to water, pollution, or biodiversity.

Complaints with this Issue: 408

Browse Complaints


Description: Complaint raises concerns about access to or availability of water. Concerns related to water pollution are not included.

Complaints with this Issue: 195

Browse Complaints


Community capacity and development

Description: Project relates to programs targeted at training, capacity-building, and/or enabling public participation for specific groups within the community.

Complaints in this Sector: 112

Browse Complaints

Conservation and environmental protection

Description: Project relates to preservation or management of the natural environment, legal frameworks regarding environmental protection or pollution, and carbon sequestration or other climate change mitigation activities.

Complaints in this Sector: 62

Browse Complaints


Description: Project relates to construction or improvement of large structures, facilities, or public works projects. Examples include roads and other transportation projects, sanitation and water treatment facilities, power plants, and industrial facilities.

Complaints in this Sector: 995

Browse Complaints

Regulatory Development

Description: Project relates specifically to development or reform of legal frameworks, including laws and regulations.

Complaints in this Sector: 169

Browse Complaints


The Request alleges possible environmental and health harm derived from the Program, particularly: Regarding the possible environmental harm, the Requester alleges the Program has contributed to the reduction of the banks of the intervened rivers and adjacent springs, impacting the wetlands and causing affectations on the areas flora and fauna. In addition, he warns that the Programs environmental and supporting documentation does not adequately reflect the region's problems, including the risks and environmental consequences that could be generated. Regarding the health harm, he points out that the Program would not be generating the benefits originally stipulated by regulating the management of sewage and water for industrial use. Therefore, the Program would be generating negative effects to the health of the inhabitants of the surrounding areas, who could be exposed to water contamination.

Complaint Stages


Jan. 8, 2018



Start Date: Jan. 8, 2018


Jan. 8, 2018 -

Jan. 30, 2018


Status: Closed With Output

Explanation: Inadequate information; Complainant did not refile, Complainant did not refile


Not Undertaken


Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Case closed in earlier stage, Complaint was originally found ineligible or not registered

Dispute Resolution

Not Undertaken

Dispute Resolution

Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Case closed in earlier stage, Complaint was originally found ineligible or not registered

Compliance Review

Not Undertaken

Compliance Review

Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Case closed in earlier stage, Complaint was originally found ineligible or not registered

Has Compliance Report: No

Non-Compliance Found: No


Not Undertaken


Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Case closed in earlier stage, Complaint was originally found ineligible or not registered


Jan. 30, 2018
