Complaints | Accountability Console
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Sector: Regulatory Developmentx


A complaint is a submission to an independent accountability mechanism that raises concerns about actual or potential harm related to an IFI-supported project.

Complaint Filters

Filer Type
is registered
Is eligible
Has DR Agreement
Non-Compliance Found
Is monitored
Complaint Country
Complaint Region
Rejection Reasons
Year Filed
Year Closed
Min Duration (months)
Max Duration (months)
Has Commitments
Commitment Status
Community Facing Commitments
Institution Facing Commitments

Complaint Stage Filters

Registration Outputs
Has registration report
Unregistered - Reasons
Eligibility Outputs
Has eligibility report
Ineligibility - Reasons
Dispute Resolution Outputs
Has dr report
No DR - Reasons
Compliance Review Outputs
Has compliance report
No CR - Reasons
Monitoring Outputs
Has monitoring report
No Monitoring - Reasons

Project Filters

Investment Type
Project Country
Project Region
Asian Development Bank SPF CRP Complaints IAM Country Date Filed Status
Capacity Development of National Capital Region Planning Board (NCRPB) ADB SPF CRP Unknown 22/02/2013 Closed Without Outputs
Hebei Energy Efficiency Improvement and Emission Reduction Project ADB SPF CRP China 17/12/2014 Closed Without Outputs
National Highway Development Sector Investment Program ADB SPF CRP Pakistan 09/09/2006 Closed With Outputs
Promoting Economic Use of Customary Land and Grant No. 0392 (SAM): Samoa Agribusiness Support Project ADB SPF CRP Samoa 09/09/2014 Closed With Outputs
Sixth Road Project ADB SPF CRP Philippines 27/09/2004 Closed Without Outputs
Supporting Public Management through eGovernment Capacity Development ADB SPF CRP Unknown 15/10/2013 Closed Without Outputs
Urban Public and Environmental Health Sector Development Program ADB SPF CRP Bangladesh 21/09/2015 Closed Without Outputs
Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project ADB SPF CRP Sri Lanka 29/03/2017 Closed Without Outputs
Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project ADB SPF CRP Sri Lanka 11/09/2018 Closed Without Outputs
National Motorway M-4 Gojra-Shorkot Section Project ADB SPF CRP Pakistan 04/01/2018 Closed Without Outputs
North-South Transmission Enhancement Project ADB SPF CRP Afghanistan 31/01/2018 Active
Regional Urban Development Project ADB SPF CRP Nepal 21/02/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Pehur High Level Canal Extension Project ADB SPF CRP Pakistan 05/02/2019 Active
Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project ADB SPF CRP Sri Lanka 22/11/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Supporting Public-Private Partnership Investments in Sindh Province ADB SPF CRP Pakistan 09/11/2022 Closed Without Outputs
Karnataka Integrated and Sustainable Water Resources Management Investment Program - Project 1 ADB SPF CRP India 13/02/2023 Closed Without Outputs
Strengthening Food Security Post-COVID-19 and Locust Attack ADB SPF CRP Pakistan 21/02/2023 Closed Without Outputs
Karnataka Integrated and Sustainable Water Resources Management Investment Program - Project 1 ADB SPF CRP India 13/02/2023 Closed Without Outputs
Strengthening Food Security Post-COVID-19 and Locust Attack ADB SPF CRP Pakistan 21/02/2023 Closed Without Outputs
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development IPAM Complaints IAM Country Date Filed Status
Belgrade Solid Waste PPP EBRD IPAM Serbia 24/11/2020 Monitoring
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development PCM Complaints IAM Country Date Filed Status
GrCF - Belgrade Green Boulevard EBRD PCM Serbia 28/06/2018 Closed Without Outputs
European Investment Bank CM Complaints IAM Country Date Filed Status
Cairo Metro Line 3 (Phase 3) EIB CM Egypt 05/01/2012 Closed With Outputs
Cairo Metro Line 3 (Phase 3) 2 EIB CM Egypt 30/12/2014 Closed Without Outputs
Municipal and Regional Infrastructure Loan EIB CM Serbia 01/03/2012 Closed With Outputs
Municipal and Regional Infrastructure Loan 2 EIB CM Serbia 07/10/2014 Closed With Outputs
Grand Contournement Ouest de Strasbourg EIB CM France 12/04/2018 Monitoring
Cairo Metro Line 3 (Phase 3) EIB CM Egypt 14/12/2017 Closed With Outputs
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 07/12/2017 Monitoring
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 09/11/2017 Monitoring
Cairo Metro Line 3 (Phase 3) EIB CM Egypt 21/07/2017 Closed With Outputs
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 17/07/2017 Closed With Outputs
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 04/07/2017 Closed With Outputs
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 30/06/2017 Monitoring
Georgia East-West Highway EIB CM Georgia 27/06/2017 Closed With Outputs
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 25/05/2017 Closed With Outputs
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 22/05/2017 Closed With Outputs
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 19/05/2017 Closed With Outputs
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 09/05/2017 Closed With Outputs
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 03/04/2017 Closed With Outputs
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 29/03/2017 Closed With Outputs
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 29/03/2017 Closed With Outputs
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 27/03/2017 Closed With Outputs
Cairo Metro Line 3 (Phase 3) EIB CM Egypt 02/03/2017 Monitoring
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 02/03/2017 Closed With Outputs
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 01/03/2017 Closed With Outputs
Armenia M6 Interstate Road EIB CM Armenia 27/01/2017 Monitoring
Regional Mombasa Port Access Road EIB CM Kenya 18/01/2017 Closed With Outputs
Georgia East-West Highway EIB CM Georgia 09/01/2017 Closed With Outputs
JASPERS - Ljubiljana Wastewater Collection & Treatment EIB CM Slovenia 06/01/2017 Closed With Outputs
JASPERS - Lecevica Waste Management Centre EIB CM Croatia 21/12/2016 Closed With Outputs
Grand Contournement Ouest de Strasbourg EIB CM France 19/07/2016 Monitoring
Cairo Metro Line 3 (Phase 3) EIB CM Egypt 19/06/2016 Monitoring
D4R7 Slovakia PPP EIB CM Slovakia 01/05/2016 Closed Without Outputs
Georgia East-West Highway EIB CM Georgia 21/04/2016 Closed Without Outputs
Nam Theun 2 Hydroelectric EIB CM 06/04/2016 Closed With Outputs
Municipal and Regional Infrastructure Loan EIB CM Serbia 14/08/2018 Closed With Outputs
D4R7 Slovakia PPP EIB CM Slovakia 31/08/2018 Monitoring
Inter-American Development Bank MICI Complaints IAM Country Date Filed Status
Productive Infrastructure Program - Request II IDB MICI Haiti 12/01/2017 Monitoring
Program for the Reconstruction of Electricity Infrastructure in Areas Affected by the Earthquake in Ecuador IDB MICI Ecuador 20/04/2018 Closed With Outputs
Reconquista River Basin Environmental Sanitation Program IDB MICI Argentina 08/01/2018 Closed Without Outputs
Support for Disaster Risk Management Policy IDB MICI Peru 14/03/2016 Closed Without Outputs
Support for Disaster Risk Management policy IDB MICI Peru 23/02/2016 Closed Without Outputs
Program to Support Preinvestment for Development IDB MICI Bolivia 23/07/2018 Closed Without Outputs
Program for the Institutional Strengthening of the office of the Comptroller General IDB MICI Colombia 21/08/2018 Closed Without Outputs
Strategic Program for Transportation Infrastructure and Logistics in Paraná IDB MICI Brazil 04/09/2018 Closed Without Outputs
Maués Integrated Sanitation Program - PROSAIMAUÉS IDB MICI Brazil 12/09/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Railroad General Roca Improvement Program - Constitución - La Plata Line IDB MICI Argentina 12/06/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Project Viva Cidade 2 Environmental Revitalization and Urban Municipality Joinvi IDB MICI Brazil 29/05/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Reconquista River Basin Environmental Sanitation Program- Request III IDB MICI Argentina 07/05/2019 Monitoring
Reconquista River Basin Environmental Sanitation Program- Request II IDB MICI Argentina 04/04/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Power Utility Upgrade Program IDB MICI Guyana 05/03/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Reconstruction Program of the electricity infrastructure in the areas affected by the earthquake in Ecuador (EC-L1219) – Request II IDB MICI Ecuador 05/03/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Productive and Tourism Infrastructure Program for the Province of Rio Negro IDB MICI Argentina 28/02/2019 Closed With Outputs
São José dos Campos Urban Structuring Program- Request III IDB MICI Brazil 04/02/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Coastal Risk Assessment and Management Program IDB MICI Barbados 14/01/2019 Closed Without Outputs
The Acre Sustainable Development Program (PDSA-II) IDB MICI Brazil 10/09/2020 Closed Without Outputs
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Low-income Housing IDB MICI Argentina 14/08/2020 Closed Without Outputs
The Acre Sustainable Development Program (PDSA-II) IDB MICI Brazil 15/05/2020 Closed Without Outputs
Program Supporting Reforms to Increase Productivity in Peru (PE-L1223) IDB MICI Peru 16/10/2020 Closed Without Outputs
Development Program For Metropolitan Areas Outside the Capital II (AR-L1243) IDB MICI Argentina 09/02/2021 Monitoring
Water and Sanitation Program for Urban and Suburban Centers (AR-L1084) IDB MICI Argentina 19/04/2021 Closed Without Outputs
Water and Sanitation Program for Metropolitan Areas IDB MICI Argentina 27/10/2021 Closed Without Outputs
Reconquista River Sanitation Environmental Program - Request V IDB MICI Argentina 08/07/2022 Active
Enhancing the Ecosystem for Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Bolivia IDB MICI Bolivia 31/01/2022 Closed Without Outputs
Sao Jose dos Campos Urban Structuring Program - Request IV IDB MICI Brazil 12/01/2023 Closed Without Outputs
Program for the Adoption and Implementation of a Rural-Urban Multipurpose Cadastre IDB MICI Colombia 22/07/2022 Closed Without Outputs
World Bank Panel Complaints IAM Country Date Filed Status
Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Road Sector Project WB Panel India 18/12/2015 Closed Without Outputs
Development Forestry Sector Management Project WB Panel Liberia 24/09/2010 Closed With Outputs Outside Process
Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project WB Panel Cambodia 28/01/2005 Closed With Outputs
Governance Promotion Adjustment Loan WB Panel Papua New Guinea 06/12/2001 Closed Without Outputs
Greater Beirut Water Supply Project WB Panel Lebanon 04/11/2010 Closed With Outputs Outside Process
Haiti Mining Dialogue Technical Assistance WB Panel Haiti 07/01/2015 Closed Without Outputs
Institutional Reform Development Policy Financing WB Panel Yemen 13/04/2009 Closed With Outputs Outside Process
Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Clean-Up Project, First Request WB Panel Albania 30/07/2007 Closed With Outputs
Jute Sector Adjustment Credit Project WB Panel Bangladesh 13/11/1996 Closed Without Outputs
Kenya Energy Sector Recovery Project WB Panel Kenya 10/05/2012 Closed With Outputs Outside Process
Land Administration Project WB Panel Honduras 03/01/2006 Closed With Outputs
Land Management and Administration Project WB Panel Cambodia 04/09/2009 Closed With Outputs
Madhya Pradesh Water Sector Restructuring Project, 1st request WB Panel India 31/08/2010 Closed Without Outputs
Mine Closure and Social Mitigation Project WB Panel Romania 06/01/2006 Closed With Outputs Outside Process
Mumbai Urban Transport Project WB Panel India 28/04/2004 Closed With Outputs
National Drainage Program Project WB Panel Pakistan 10/09/2004 Closed With Outputs
Natural Resource Management Project WB Panel Kenya 14/01/2013 Closed With Outputs
Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request WB Panel Democratic Republic of Congo 25/02/2009 Closed With Outputs Outside Process
Proposed Kosovo Power Project and Second Additional Financing Energy Sector Clean-up and Land Reclamation Project WB Panel Kosovo 12/06/2015 Closed With Outputs
Rondonia Natural Resources Management Project WB Panel Brazil 16/06/1995 Closed With Outputs Outside Process
Special Structural Adjustment Loan WB Panel Argentina 26/07/1999 Closed With Outputs Outside Process
Sustainable Development of Natural Resources - Additional Financing, and Sustainable Development of Natural Resources II WB Panel Afghanistan 03/12/2012 Closed With Outputs Outside Process
Tax Administration Reform Project WB Panel Pakistan 22/12/2009 Closed With Outputs Outside Process
Transitional Support for Economic Recovery Credit and Emergency Economic and Social Reunification Support Project WB Panel Democratic Republic of Congo 19/11/2005 Closed With Outputs
DRC High Priority Roads Reopening and Maintenance (2nd Additional Financing) WB Panel Democratic Republic of Congo 03/08/2017 Closed With Outputs
Amaravati Sustainable Capital City Development Project WB Panel India 25/03/2017 Closed Without Outputs
Vietnam Livestock Competitiveness and Food Safety and Additional Financing to Livestock Competitiveness and Food Safety Project WB Panel Vietnam 12/01/2017 Closed Without Outputs
Bangladesh Modern Food Storage Facilities Project WB Panel Bangladesh 08/12/2016 Closed Without Outputs
Water and Sanitation Service Improvement Project and Water and Sanitation Service Improvement Project - Additional Financing WB Panel Kenya 29/11/2016 Closed Without Outputs
Amaravati Sustainable Capital City Development Project WB Panel India 08/10/2016 Closed Without Outputs
Private Power Generation, Water Management and Development, and Energy for Rural Transformation III (Second Request) WB Panel Uganda 19/09/2016 Monitoring
Andhra Pradesh & Telengana Road Sector and National Highways Interconnectivity Improvement Project WB Panel India 11/09/2016 Closed Without Outputs
Private Power Generation, Water Management and Development, and Energy for Rural Transformation III WB Panel Uganda 20/06/2016 Monitoring
Irrigation System Enhancement Project (First Request) WB Panel Armenia 18/03/2016 Closed With Outputs Outside Process
Irrigation System Enhancement Project (Second Request) WB Panel Armenia 03/03/2016 Closed With Outputs Outside Process
Mining Infrastructure Investment Support and Mining Infrastructure Support - Additional Financing WB Panel Mongolia 02/04/2018 Closed Without Outputs
Private Sector Competitiveness Project WB Panel Tajikistan 21/06/2018 Closed Without Outputs
Water Supply Augmentation Project, Greater Beirut Water Supply Project and its Additional Financing WB Panel Lebanon 06/08/2018 Closed Without Outputs
Mining Infrastructure Investment Support and Mining Infrastructure Support - Additional Financing WB Panel Mongolia 02/04/2018 Closed Without Outputs
Mining Infrastructure Investment Support and Mining Infrastructure Support - Additional Financing WB Panel Mongolia 02/04/2018 Closed Without Outputs
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project for Low Income States - First Request WB Panel India 21/09/2018 Monitoring
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project for Low Income States - Second Request WB Panel India 12/12/2018 Monitoring
Transport Sector Support Project and its Additional Financing WB Panel Kenya 17/12/2018 Closed Without Outputs
Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project WB Panel Kenya 10/04/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Natural Resource Management Project and Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project, and Kenya Urban Support Program WB Panel Kenya 15/04/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Water Supply Augmentation Project, Greater Beirut Water Supply Project and its Additional Fiancing - Second Request WB Panel Lebanon 24/06/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project - First Request WB Panel Poland 21/06/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project - Second Request WB Panel Poland 11/07/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project - Third Request WB Panel Poland 12/07/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project - Fourth Request WB Panel Poland 15/07/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project - Fifth Request WB Panel Poland 15/07/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project - Sixth Request WB Panel Poland 30/07/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project - Seventh Request WB Panel Poland 04/09/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project - Eighth Request WB Panel Poland 20/09/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project - Ninth Request WB Panel Poland 07/10/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Nepal-India Regional Trade and Transport Project (P144335) WB Panel Nepal 25/04/2020 Closed Without Outputs
Piaui Pillars of Growth and Social Inclusion Project (P129342) WB Panel Brazil 06/12/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Ecosystem Conservation and Management Project (P156021) WB Panel Sri Lanka 21/10/2019 Closed Without Outputs
Second Kampala Institutional and Infrastructure Development Project (KIIDP-2) WB Panel Uganda 17/06/2021 Closed With Outputs
South-West Roads: Western Europe-Western China International Transit Corridor Project (CAREC 1b & 6b) WB Panel Kazakhstan 24/12/2020 Closed Without Outputs
Nachtigal Hydropower Project (P157734) and Hydropower Development on the Sanaga River Technical Assistance Project (P157733) WB Panel Cameroon 30/06/2022 Active
Sustainable Rural Sanitation Services Program For Results (P154112) and its Additional Financing (P166597) WB Panel Egypt 12/10/2022 Closed Without Outputs
Vishnugad Pipalkoti Hydro Electric Project (P096124) - (Second Request) WB Panel India 01/03/2022 Closed Without Outputs
Transport Sector Support Project And Its Additional Financing - Second Request For Inspection WB Panel Kenya 03/03/2022 Closed Without Outputs
Vishnugad Pipalkoti Hydro Electric Project (P096124) – (Third Request) WB Panel India 12/07/2022 Closed Without Outputs
Vietnam Coastal Cities Sustainable Environment Project WB Panel Vietnam 24/12/2022 Closed Without Outputs
West Africa Coastal Areas Resilience Investment Project (P162337) Global Environment Facility (GEF) (P092289) WB Panel Benin 31/10/2022 Closed Without Outputs