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  1. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Monitoring: Annual Monitoring Report [PDF] Report sent to Requesters

    ...President (RRP) at $295.9 million, with main financing from JBIC (40%), ADB (30%) and GOSL (26%) as the borrower.6 Sida finances consulting services for the RSC while NDF finances consulting services and equipment supply under the RSC, and project management consulting services for the SHC.7 Based on surveys and detailed designs, the Panel understands that the actual highway construction is 126.2 km, with JBIC financing 66.6 km of the northern part of the highway component and ADB financing 59.6...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka
  2. Complaint > Rondonia Natural Resources Management Project

    Filing: Request for Inspection

    ...President of Brazil and t h e President of INCRA, c@es to t h e Wx&BaXL These documents, which can be found in ANNEX 05, include: a) letter t o the President of B r a z i l on 5/28/92, b) letter t o the President of IL'EicRA on 8/14/92, c) letter to the President of . nüCRA on 9/8/92, and d ) letter t o the President of IHCRA on 4/15/93 9- ûn k c h 9, 1993, t h e n o n - g o v e m a t a l organization ECOPORS (Jiçao ikológica Vale do Guaporé ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1995
  3. Complaint > Western Poverty Reduction Project

    Management Response: 16-Management Response (English)

    ...Vice President, South Asia Region, World Bank, assisting NGOs) calls Mark Wilson. Page 46: China - Western Poverty Reduction Project - Request for Inspection Panel Review 18 May EDs’ offices start to call Julian Schweitzer (Director, Strategy and Operations for East Asia and Pacific Office of the Regional Vice President), Geoffrey Fox, and Mark Wilson about phone, fax and letter campaign. 19 May Geoffrey Fox has phone conversation with Gabriel Laf...

    WB Inspection Panel - China - 1999
  4. Complaint > Oyu Tolgoi-01/Khanbogd

    Agreement: Khanbogd Tri-Partite Council MoU - English

    ...Vice-President, Compliance Advisor Ombudsman International Finance Corporation 2121 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20433 USA Fax: (+1) (202) 522-7400 e-mail: Dear Ms. Taylor, We, the undersigned residents of Javhlant and Gavliut baghs1 of Khanbogd soum2, South Gobi aimag3 of Mongolia, organized into the Gobi Soil NGO, hereby submit this complaint to the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (“CAO”) concerning the Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold-silver mining project (“Oyu Tolgoi Proj...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Mongolia
  5. Complaint > Tax Administration Reform Project

    Management Response: 64-Management Response (English)

    ...vice rules as enshrined in the Civil Service Act of 1972, which continue to ap- ply; • A special committee has been established to settle any service disputes in con- junction with the creation of the IRS and transfers from the existing service groups; • Horizontal mobility across the administration is not blocked as the FBR manage- ment can assign staff to other functions at their request. ix Islamic Re...

    WB Inspection Panel - Pakistan - 2009
  6. Complaint > Eco Oro-01/Bucaramanga

    Filing: Complaint to the CAO, June 13, 2012

    ...Vice-president Compliance Advisor / Ombudsman (CAO) 2121 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20422 USA Receive our cordial greeting. We address you respectfully as Colombian citizens and representatives of the Comité por la Defensa del Agua y el Paramo de Santurbán, and as those affected by the project of the International Finance Corporation (hereinafter IFC), Project Number 27961, to be implemented in Colombia by the firm Greystar Resources Ltd., now Eco Oro Minerals Corp. (hereinafter “the ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Colombia - 2012
  7. Complaint > Tax Administration Reform Project

    Filing: 64-Request for Inspection Annexes (English)

    ...VICE INVITATION FOR OPTIONS As part of the Tax Administration Reforms a new occupational group, the Inland Revenue Service, has been created by the Government of Pakistan. This service group would be responsible for carrying out the functions relating to Income Tax, Sales Tax and Federal Excise. Each officer of the existing Customs and Excise Group and the Income Tax Group is called upon to exercise option for inclusion into the new Inland Revenue Service. In case no ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Pakistan - 2009
  8. Complaint > Petroleum Development and Pipeline Project, and Petroleum Environment Capacity Enhancement Project

    Compliance Report: 27-Investigation Report (English)

    ...President of the Pan-African Union for Science and Technology, and International Vice Chairman of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). He is an international development advisor on environment, energy, mining, housing, biotechnology and agriculture. He was Senior Advisor to the President and Director for Central Projects Department of the African Development Bank. He was formerly the Vice-Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) of the Global Envi...

    WB Inspection Panel - Cameroon - 2002
  9. Complaint > Togo LCT-01/Lome

    Compliance Report: English

    ...President, the CAO Vice President or senior management of IFC/MIGA. CAO compliance investigations focus on IFC/MIGA, and how IFC/MIGA assured itself of a project’s E&S performance. The purpose of a CAO Compliance investigation is to ensure compliance with policies, standards, guidelines, procedures, and conditions for IFC/MIGA involvement, and thereby improve the institution’s E&S performance. In the context of a CAO compliance investigation, at issue is whether:  the actual E&S outcomes of a...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Togo
  10. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Monitoring: Annual Monitoring Report [PDF] Report sent to Requesters

    ...President (RRP) at $295.9 million, with main financing from JBIC (40%), ADB (30%) and GOSL (26%). The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency finances consulting services for the road safety component while the Nordic Development Fund finances consulting services and equipment for that component as well as project management consulting services for the highway component until December 2008. ADB is also providing a supplementary loan for a total amount of $90 million for the highway ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka - 2009
  11. Complaint > NTPC I Power Generation Project

    Eligibility: Additional Review

    ...Vice President Mieko Nishimizu Director Edwin Lim Sector Manager Alastair McKechnie Task Manager Tjaarda Storm van Leeuwen d INDIA NTPC POWER GENERATION PROJECT (Loan 3632-IN) ...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 1997
  12. Complaint > Land Management and Administration Project

    Eligibility: 60-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Vice President (RVP) traveled to Phnom Penh to meet with senior Government officials in August 2009. The RVP reiterated the request for the moratorium on evictions and offered to allocate Bank resources for the resettlement of the BKL communities. According to Management, the RVP proposed to the Government to suspend jointly the Project while the national 18 Management Response, ¶ 58. 19 Management Response, ¶ 59. ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Cambodia - 2009
  13. Complaint > Greater Beirut Water Supply Project

    Eligibility: 71-Inspection Panel Report - Follow-up to Board Decision of March 10, 2011

    ...vices Delivery in the Bank; Brazil – Financial Sector Reform; Brazil – Selected Issues of the Financial Sector; and Brazil – Review of State Banks. 15 Annex 2: Management Note (i) Cover memorandum from Managing Director (ii) Cover memorandum from Regional Vice President (iii) Note and action plan matrix regarding the Request for Inspection of the...

    WB Inspection Panel - Lebanon - 2010
  14. Complaint > Special Structural Adjustment Loan

    Filing: 17-Request for Inspection (English)

    Volume I of II BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laura Jordán de Conte REQUEST. ANNEX A Chair CELS María Angélica Sosa de CENTER FOR LEGAL AND SOCIAL STUDIES Mignone Vice Chair Rodríguez Peña 286 – 1st floor ; (1020) Buenos Aires - Argentine Republic Patricia Valdez Tel: (54-1-1) 4371-9968/3790 – Fax: (54-...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina - 1999
  15. Complaint > West African Gas Pipeline Project

    Eligibility: 40-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Vice-President of the new concerns about fishing activities raised with the Panel during the Panel’s visit to Nigeria and of the FoE-GH letter. The Panel has added both items to the processing of the existing Request. A. The Project Project Objectives 5. The Project aims to contribute to, inter alia, ”improving the competitiveness of the energy sectors in Ghana, Benin, and Togo by promoting the use of cheaper and environmen...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana, Nigeria - 2006
  16. Complaint > Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project

    Management Action Plan: Remedial Actions in English and in Gujarati

    ...Vice President, Private Sector and Cofinancing Operations From: Dingding Tang Chair, CRP and concurrently Head, OCRP Subject: Proposed Remedial Action Plan on IND: Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project—CRP’s Comments 1. Thanks for your memo dated 27 May 2015 sharing the draft remedial actions with the Compliance Review Panel (CRP) on the captioned subject and seeking its comments in pursuance of paragraph 190 of the Accountability Mechanism Poli...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - India - 2015
  17. Complaint > Yanacocha-02/Cajamarca

    Agreement: January 2002

    ...Vice President for Latin America, Newmont Mining Corporation • Ministry of Energy and Mines 17

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Peru
  18. Complaint > Transitional Support for Economic Recovery Credit and Emergency Economic and Social Reunification Support Project

    Management Action Plan: 37-Second Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Vice President chairs every alternate meeting. In addition, the Africa safeguards team continues to monitor the portfolio as a whole and provide advice as needed to SMUs and CMUs. Over the last year, an environmental and social assessment and safeguards quality review was undertaken for a sampling of projects in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Portfolio reviews of projects triggering OP/BP 4.04 (Natural Habitats) and OP/BP 4.11 (Physical Cultural Resources) are also being ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2005
  19. Complaint > Red Sea - Dead Sea Water Conveyance Study Program

    Eligibility: 76-Report and Recommendation (English)

    ...Vice President and Secretary to the Executive Directors and Alternates, Scope of the Mandate of the Inspection Panel: Compensation for Expropriation and Extension of IDA Credits to Ethiopia dated June 16, 1995. Also referred to in Management Response, p. 3, footnote 8. 45 Management Response, pp. 3-4, para 13. 46 The Letter Agreement between the Bank and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is referred to in the Letter Agreement of the Government of Israel and the Letter Agreement of the Palest...

    WB Inspection Panel - Gaza, Israel, Jordan, West Bank - 2011
  20. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Eligibility: 54-Third and Final Eligibility Report (English)

    ...vices, following the implementation of the VDP, was less than the promised two years. They added that they often had difficulty accessing schooling and medical services and that the gradual reduction in Gécamines’ investment in such services may have resulted in a decline in their quality. 27. Based on its analysis of the Second Management Response,27 the three Requests for Inspection, Paragraphs 4 and 5 of the 1999 Clarifications, 28 and Management’s commitment to the B...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009