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  1. Complaint > Mumbai Urban Transport Project

    Management Action Plan: 32-Sixth Management Progress Report

    ...Requesters from Gazi Nagar relocated to a non-MUTP site of their choice. The third group of Requesters from Bharti Nagar was left unaffected by SCLR. The fourth group of Requesters representing shopkeepers affected by the Jogeshwari Road-over- Bridges (ROBs) is not a part of the MUTP R&R process as the ROBs were excluded from the Project during its restructuring in 2008. MMRDA handed over the list of 389 ROB-affected shopkeepers and as many alternative shops to the Municipal Corporation of Great...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2004
  2. Complaint > Electricity Expansion Project

    Management Action Plan: First Management Progress Report

    ...Request for Inspection submitted by members and representatives of a Maasai community resettled due to the Project-supported geothermal developments in the Greater Olkaria Geothermal Area was registered by the World Bank’s Inspection Panel (IPN Request RQ 14/06). The same concerns brought to the Panel were raised with the European Investment Bank Complaint Mechanism (EIB-CM) as the Project is co-financed by the EIB. 4. Management submitted its Response to the Request on December 19, 2014. ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Kenya - 2014
  3. Complaint > Land Administration Project

    Management Action Plan: 38- Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, I P N request RQ06/1 (“the Request”), concerning the Honduras Land Administration Project (Programa de Administracidn de Tierras de Honduras or PATH, “the Project”) partially financed by the International Development Association (IDA)’ through Credit 3858-HO. The Request had been submitted by the Honduran Black Fraternal Organization (Organizacidn Fraternal Negra Hondureiia or OFRANEH) on behalf o f the Garifuna population o f Honduras. In the Request, OFRANEH alleged tha...

    WB Inspection Panel - Honduras - 2006
  4. Complaint > Private Power Generation Project

    Management Action Plan: 44-Third Management Progress Report

    ...Requests for Investigation. The same group of Requesters who filed the Request with the IBRD/IDA Inspection Panel also filed separate complaints to the AfDB and European Investment Bank (EIB) in 2009. These underwent investigation by both institutions. The final report from the AfDB was completed in 2010 and referred to mitigation measures that were similar to the Bank’s. The EIB investigation report is completed, and in addition to issues raised with the Bank and AfDB, concerns about blasting i...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uganda - 2007
  5. Complaint > Mumbai Urban Transport Project

    Management Action Plan: 32-Fifth Management Progress Report

    ...Requesters group from Gazi Nagar relocated to a non-MUTP site of their choice. The Third group of Requesters from Bharti Nagar was left unaffected by the SCLR work. The Fourth group of Requesters representing shopkeepers affected by the Jogeshwari ROBs is not a part of the MUTP Resettlement and Rehabilitation process as the ROBs were excluded from the Project during restructuring in 2008 (see Annex 5). MMRDA has handed over the eligibility list of 389 shopkeepers affected by the RoBs who will be...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2004
  6. Complaint > Paraguay/Argentina Reform Project for the Water and Telecommunication Sectors, SEGBA V Power Distribution Project (Yacyreta)

    Management Action Plan: 26-Third Management Progress Report-20 December 2006

    ...request EBY atid the Paraguayan * Management requested and EBY disbursed funds to authorities to meet the 2004 timetable for individual families for productive enterprises through disbursing benefits under the Productive Fund to 2005, but the funds subsequently became inactive. the informal workers already identified. There has been relatively little follow-up technical Management w i l l also request that EBY make assistance. Benefi...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina, Paraguay - 2002
  7. Complaint > Paraguay/Argentina Reform Project for the Water and Telecommunication Sectors, SEGBA V Power Distribution Project (Yacyreta)

    Management Action Plan: 26-Second Management Progress Report-25 October 2005

    ...Request for Inspection concerning the Project, linked to Loans 3520-AR and 3842-PA and subsequently conducted a full Inspection o f the Project. 2. On M a y 6, 2004 the Board Executive Directors discussed and approved the Management Response to the Inspection Panel’s in-depth study.’ The Board also asked for follow-up reporting. A 90-day Progress Report was issued o n August 6, 2004. The Management Response and Recommendation also envisaged subsequent annual reports. This report con...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina, Paraguay - 2002
  8. Complaint > West African Gas Pipeline Project

    Management Action Plan: 40-Fourth Management Progress Report

    ...Request and asking to be included among the Requesters. The Host Communities Forum and FoE-Ghana represented local people living in Nigeria and Ghana, and were recognized as the Requesters. 6. Claims of the Requesters. The Requesters from Nigeria’s Delta Region were mainly concerned with the Project’s impact on gas flaring reduction and with the safety of an existing pipeline to which WAGP was to be linked. The Requesters and affected communities living near the gas pipeline in Nigeria comp...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana, Nigeria - 2006
  9. Complaint > Transitional Support for Economic Recovery Credit and Emergency Economic and Social Reunification Support Project

    Management Action Plan: 37-Third Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection was submitted on November 19, 2005, by a Congolese civil society organization (CSO) expressing concerns about the forestry sector reform activities supported by the EESRSP and the TSERO. The Requesters were in particular concerned with the implementation of a new commercial forest concession system and the preparation of a forest zoning plan for the forests of the Equateur and Orientale Provinces, where the Pygmies live. They claimed that if the Projects and these activiti...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2005
  10. Complaint > Private Power Generation Project

    Management Action Plan: 44-Fourth Management Progress Report

    ...Requests for Investigation. The same group of Requesters who filed the Request with the Inspection Panel of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and IDA also filed separate complaints to AfDB and the European Investment Bank (EIB) in 2009. These underwent investigation by both institutions. The final report from AfDB was completed in 2010 and included mitigation measures that were similar to those of the Bank. The EIB investigation report is complete: in addition to t...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uganda - 2007
  11. Complaint > Transitional Support for Economic Recovery Credit and Emergency Economic and Social Reunification Support Project

    Management Action Plan: 37-Second Management Progress Report (English)

    ...requests to convert logging permits totaling 22.4 million hectares into long-term concessions. The TWG recommendations were reviewed by an Inter-ministerial Commission that included 21 permanent members representing the President and Prime Minister of DRC; the ministries in charge of Forests, Justice, Finance, Budget, Planning, and Industry; the Federation of Timber Industries; a federation of national NGOs; and a federation of national NGOs dedicated to the cause of indigenous peoples. For each...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2005
  12. Complaint > Mumbai Urban Transport Project

    Management Action Plan: 32-Inspection Panel Progress Report

    ...Requests for Inspection related to the India: Mumbai Urban Transport Project (MUTP)2 . The first Request (“the First Request” 3 ) for Inspection was received on April 28, 2004. Management submitted its Response to the First Request on May 27, 2004. The Panel received a second Request for Inspection (the “Second Request’) on June 24, 2004, which related to the same Project. 4 On July 28, 2004, Management submitted...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2004
  13. Complaint > DRC High Priority Roads Reopening and Maintenance (2nd Additional Financing)

    Management Action Plan: First Management Progress Report

    ...Request for Inspection and subsequent investigation and reports of the Panel and Management. 4. Request for Inspection. The Request for Inspection was received by the Panel on September 13, 2017. The Request was submitted by community members living in Goma and its vicinity in DRC. The Executive Directors and the President of IDA were notified by the Panel of receipt of the Request. Management responded to the claims in the request on October 20, 2017 and provided an update to its response ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2017
  14. Complaint > Mumbai Urban Transport Project

    Management Action Plan: 32-Fourth Management Progress Report

    ...Requesters, Gazi Nagar, has relocated from SCLR to a non-MUTP site of their choice. With respect to the third group of Requesters, the Bharti Nagar residents along the SCLR, MMRDA has clarified that the Project will neither affect nor disturb these Requesters. The fourth group of Requesters, the shopkeepers affected by Jogeshwari ROB has not been resettled. Now that the ROBs have been removed from MUTP as part of Project restructuring, this group will be resettled as per the agreed procedure exp...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2004
  15. Complaint > Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project

    Management Action Plan: Remedial Actions in English and in Gujarati

    ...President, Private Sector and Cofinancing Operations From: Dingding Tang Chair, CRP and concurrently Head, OCRP Subject: Proposed Remedial Action Plan on IND: Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project—CRP’s Comments 1. Thanks for your memo dated 27 May 2015 sharing the draft remedial actions with the Compliance Review Panel (CRP) on the captioned subject and seeking its comments in pursuance of paragraph 190 of the Accountability Mechanism Policy (A...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - India - 2015
  16. Complaint > Mumbai Urban Transport Project

    Management Action Plan: 32-First Management Progress Report

    ...requests for prior review for 1,205 households, consisting of 1,056 from the Kurla railway line, 30 shopkeepers from SCLR and 119 from JVLR-II, including 109 shopkeepers. The Bank reviewed these cases and provided its no objection by advising MMRDA to follow certain actions prior to shifting of people, such as the issuance of identity cards, payment of shifting allowances, and ensuring that the buildings are ready for occupation. In some other cases, MMRDA could not submit the request for prior ...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2004
  17. Complaint > National Drainage Program Project

    Management Action Plan: 34-Second Management Progress Report Annex (English)

    ...Request for Inspection to the Inspection Panel of WAPDA on September 10, 2004. The Request raised issues most of which related to the prior LBOD Stage 1 Project, which closed in 1997. The location and component of the LBOD Project is shown in Fig.1. The Requesters claimed that the LBOD system was faulty and they had incurred losses because of its poor design. The Requesters claimed that the Bank had failed to observe or had otherwise violated various provisions of its own operational Policies an...

    WB Inspection Panel - Pakistan - 2004
  18. Complaint > West African Gas Pipeline Project

    Management Action Plan: 40-Third Management Progress Report

    ...requested by many communities. A program of livelihood assistance to support the income and production of Project displaced households and enterprises, that detailed study may show are falling below the bar of ‘no worse off’. (c) Environmental and safety compliance. Major actions under the MAP have been completed; however, with the project transitioning into operations, a number of activities, such as translation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the operations phase, co...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana, Nigeria - 2006
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