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Showing Only EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > South-West Corridor Road Project

    Monitoring: Compliance Review Monitoring Report II

    SOUTH-WEST CORRIDOR ROAD PROJECT REQUEST NUMBER: 2014/04 Compliance Review Monitoring Report II – October 2017 The Project Complaint Mechanism (PCM) is the independent accountability mechanism of the EBRD. PCM provides an opportunity for an independent review of complaints from one or more individual(s) or organisation(s) concerning an EBRD project, which allegedly has caused, or is likely to cause harm. PCM may address complaints through two functions: Compliance Review, which seeks to determ...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Kazakhstan
  2. Complaint > EPS Emergency Power Sector Reconstruction Loan, EPS Power II and EPS Kolubara Environmental Improvement

    Monitoring: Monitoring report I

    ...requests Management to provide PCM with information on developments. Action 19 Implementation update The 2012 action plans will be updated by EPS for The 2012 action plans have been updated and subsidiaries by Q4 2015, and EPS will be posted by EPS on the EPS website. requested to publish the summary report for these audits by Q1 2016. Management requests that this action item be ...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Serbia
  3. Complaint > Turk Traktor

    Monitoring: Compliance Review Monitoring Report I

    TÜRK TRAKTÖR PROJECT REQUEST NUMBER: 2015/03 Compliance Review Monitoring Report I – May 2018 The Project Complaint Mechanism (PCM) is the independent accountability mechanism of the EBRD. PCM provides an opportunity for an independent review of complaints from one or more individual(s) or organisation(s) concerning an EBRD project, which allegedly has caused, or is likely to cause harm. PCM may address Complaints through two functions: Compliance Review, which seeks to determine whether or no...

    EBRD Independent Project Accountability Mechanism - Turkey
  4. Complaint > Maritsa East Mines (BEH Bond Issue)

    Filing: Complaint

    ...requesting a meeting and describing the problem. ( See Folder №1) Please write on a separate sheet wherever needed. 5 On 01.03.2017 at the request of Maritsa East Mines, a meeting was held with the people of Beli Brig once again explaining that the compensation methodology was consistent with the EBRD’s ESP and also complies with the State Property Act of Bulgaria (ZDS)....

    EBRD Independent Project Accountability Mechanism - Bulgaria
  5. Complaint > Turk Traktor

    Monitoring: Compliance Review Monitoring Report II

    TÜRK TRAKTÖR PROJECT REQUEST NUMBER: 2015/03 Compliance Review Monitoring Report II – December 2018 The Project Complaint Mechanism (PCM) is the independent accountability mechanism of the EBRD. PCM provides an opportunity for an independent review of complaints from one or more individual(s) or organisation(s) concerning an EBRD project, which allegedly has caused, or is likely to cause harm. PCM may address Complaints through two functions: Compliance Review, which seeks to determine whether...

    EBRD Independent Project Accountability Mechanism - Turkey
  6. Complaint > D1 motorway Phase I

    Filing: Complaint

    ...request the EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism experts to perform a Compliance Review into the D1 motorway Phase I project. Best regards, Lucia Lackovičová National coordinator for Slovakia CEE Bankwatch Network Friends of the Earth-CEPA Karpatska 11, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovakia Tel./Fax: +421 2 5244 2104 Overview of the communication with EBRD and other Relevant Parties: 1. Most significant impacts of the proposed motorway D1 Turany Hubová on the Rojkovské Rašelinisko Mire. Preliminary...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Slovakia
  7. Complaint > Oltenia - Turceni Rehabilitation

    Filing: Complaint

    ...request sent on October 2nd (some of the project documents are only available upon request directed towards the Client). December 3rd 2013 – January 2nd 2014: communication with CSO department (Luisa Balbi) concerning another request for access to information (market analysis commissioned by the EBRD for the project). Only very limited information offered. December 5th: CSO department (Luisa Balbi) replied to the request sent on December 3rd, analysis cannot be disclosed, offered to disclose spe...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Romania
  8. Complaint > South-West Corridor Road Project

    Eligibility: Eligibility Assessment Report for PSI (English)

    ...requested the ramp during the consultations because it was used by only a few pieces of machinery to access the village dairy farm. The village council introduced this request after the completion of the road to further develop the road related services next to the farm. The village area council reported that they were negotiating with a private investor to develop the farm area. Part of the condition to develop the area would be the construction of this ramp. For two caterpillar tractors that r...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Kazakhstan
  9. Complaint > Boskov Most Hydro Power

    Monitoring: Monitoring report IV

    EUROPEAN BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT COMPLAINT MECHANISM COMPLIANCE REVIEW MONITORING REPORT IV BOSKOV MOST HYDRO POWER PROJECT, REQUEST NUMBER: 2011/05 March 2016 Compliance Review Monitoring Report Context This Compliance Review (CR) Monitoring Report is prepared pursuant to Rule 44 of the 2009 PCM Rules of Procedure (PCM RPs) 1 whereby, pursuant to a finding of non-compliance, the PCM Officer is mandated to monitor the implement...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Macedonia
  10. Complaint > Paravani Hydro Power Plant

    Filing: Complaint

    ...request “Georgian Urban Energy” to re-evaluate the transmission tower design, conductor separation and possible use of bird diverters in order to minimize the risk of bird mortality." Despite the response of the EBRD, a re-evaluation report has never been disclosed to the public, while the construction works on the Project have already been started thus violating PR6 of the Bank’s Environmental and Social Policy 18 “Through the environmental and appraisal process, the client will identify and ch...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Georgia
  11. Complaint > Paravani Hydro Power Plant

    Monitoring: Monitoring report IV

    EUROPEAN BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT COMPLAINT MECHANISM COMPLIANCE REVIEW MONITORING REPORT IV PARAVANI HPP PROJECT, REQUEST NUMBER: 2012/01 March 2016 Compliance Review Monitoring Report Context This Compliance Review (CR) Monitoring Report is prepared pursuant to Rule 44 of the 2009 PCM Rules of Procedure (PCM RPs) 1 whereby, pursuant to a finding of non-compliance, the PCM Officer is mandated to monitor the implementation of the ...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Georgia
  12. Complaint > Southeast Europe Equity Fund II

    Compliance Report: Compliance Review Report

    ...President, SEAF, 25th April 2018 and SEAF press release of May 16th 2017 at 7 ibid. 8 Eligibility Assessment Report for Compliance Review – February 2018. Request number 2017/5. 9 Complaint Number 2017/05 in Annex and at finance/project-complaint-mechanism/pcm-register.html 2 Complaint is summarized below for sake of clarity and without pre...

    EBRD Independent Project Accountability Mechanism - Regional
  13. Complaint > EPS Power II

    Compliance Report: Compliance Review Report

    ...Requests for information • ргivilеgеd infO!"mation, sucll as legal advice and Requests ЕО!" documents al'e handled Ьу the EBRD's соггеsропdепсе ,vitl1 ехtешаllеgаl adviseIs; Publications Desk, and тау Ье sent Ьу Еах, таа or telephone to the address below. Documents ше also available to personal • infoImation that might prove а thIeat to the national sесшitу ...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Serbia
  14. Complaint > D1 motorway Phase I

    Eligibility: Eligibility Assessment Report

    ...requested a written response to the Complaint by Bank Management. The response (the “Response”) was received on 5 July 2010 and is at Annex 2 to this Report. The PCM Officer also requested a response to the Complaint from the Client, which was received on 25 June 2010 and is at Annex 3 to this Report. 2 13. During the Eligibility Assessment, the Eligibility Assessors undertook an extensive review of ...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Slovakia
  15. Complaint > EPS Emergency Power Sector Reconstruction Loan, EPS Power II and EPS Kolubara Environmental Improvement

    Community Response: Complainant comments

    ...PRESIDENT OF BANK) remains clear and visible to anyone who is having consciousness and is involved in this project INCLUDING PCM MECHANISM of the Bank. Corrupted justice system in Serbia is attempting to block prosecution of JUNKOVAC CASE while we are writing this and similar is happening in Radljevo (Tamnava west) Vreoci, Baroševac etc. EBRD cannot hide behind speculation about distances. As pointed in multiple occasions: Attachment of Vreoci to WHOLE KOLUBARA MINING and moreover to overall ele...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Serbia
  16. Complaint > MHP Corporate Support Loan, MHP Biogas

    Filing: Complaint (English)

    ...request that the PCM initiates a Problem-Solving process. However, if the parties are not able to agree on a solution, we request that the complaint proceeds to Compliance Review. We further request that the identities of the individual signatories to this complaint remain confidential, as we fear retaliatory actions should our identities be disclosed.6 We ask that this complaint be treated as public and posted on the PCM’s website. However, we wish the attached annexes to remain confid...

    EBRD Independent Project Accountability Mechanism - Ukraine
  17. Complaint > EPS Emergency Power Sector Reconstruction Loan, EPS Power II and EPS Kolubara Environmental Improvement

    Eligibility: Eligibility Assessment Report

    ...requested are EPS documents, and therefore your request should be directed to EPS.”312 The next day, CEKOR requested information on how the EBRD’s due diligence process took the requested documents into account and why other serious problems were not included in the scope of the Project.313 On 19 March 2012, the EBRD emailed CEKOR stating that the due diligence process involved site visits and document review of EIAs and others, but that the documents requested by CEKOR on 7 February 2012 “are a...

    EBRD Project Complaint Mechanism - Serbia
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