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  1. Complaint > Egyptian Indian Polyester Company Sokhna-01/Hyderabad

    Closing Report: CAO Assessment and Dispute Resolution Conclusion Report - June 2017

    ...requested CAO to assist them in obtaining details from the complainant, of outstanding amounts. Upon receipt of the information, the company with the consent of the complainants requested to have direct discussions to resolve the issue. –6– Attempts by the EIPET to pay the complainants, through the assistance of the company’s bankers CIB, were unsuccessful. The company then sought assistance from its majority shareholders, Dhunseri Petrochem Lt...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Egypt - 2017
  2. Complaint > Empresa Electrica Pangue S.A.-02/Upper Bio-Bio Watershed

    Closing Report: English

    ...request of the Organization, represented by its Board, or by the President, he must directly design and prepare future projects to raise the necessary resources for the Organization’s continuation. He is responsible for coordinating the Websites, updating their contents. The first task is to effectively implement the project called strengthening participation and development in our communities, and jointly establish the type of organizational modality that we need with roles and function...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Chile
  3. Complaint > Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited-01/Leon and Chinandega

    Closing Report: English

    ...President end the members of the Executive Board. In May 2009, the CAO team prepared for convening a meeting between the company and the members of the communities of Goyena and Abangasca. This preparation required a lot of communication with both parties, and it finally was agreed that the meeting would take place on June 20 at the school in Nueva Vida. The CAO team also learned that the Company and the community members had started new meetings and a relationship with the new President of the ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Nicaragua
  4. Complaint > Agrokasa-01/Ica

    Closing Report: Agrokasa Ombudsman Conclusion Report, April 2011

    ...request. withdrawn by Progressio’s executive director. Three of the complaints requested The assessment also involved interviews confidentiality. and meetings with IFC staff in the Environmental and Social Department and the Agribusiness Departments, and with ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Peru - 2011
  5. Complaint > Egyptian Indian Polyester Company - Sokhna-02/India

    Closing Report: Egypt EIPC-02 Conclusion Report - January 2019

    ...president of Polyester Company (EIPET) – Sokhna logistics, regarding the IFC-supported project (#28878) in Egypt. The IFC investment in Ain Sokhna, Egypt (the Complainant). This supported the establishment of a 420,000 tons was the second complaint received by CAO per annum, greenfield polyethylene regarding the project.1 The Complainant terephthalate (PET) resin plant in the Eldorado claimed that EIPET had failed to compensate ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Egypt - 2019
  6. Complaint > Empresa Electrica Pangue S.A.-02/Upper Bio-Bio Watershed

    Closing Report: English

    ...request of the complainants, Alto Bio Bio, Chile CAO Ombudsman continued to monitor the settlement by working with local and indigenous The Pangue Hydroelectric Project is a 450MW organizations to address broader cultural impacts hydroelectric dam on the Bio Bio River in Chile. of the project. The CAO began to work with the Completed in September 1996, the dam was Mapuche ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Chile
  7. Complaint > Yanacocha-02/Cajamarca

    Closing Report: CAO Exit Report, February 2006

    ...request of affected communities and the Mesa. Due to lack of US courts Magdalena, San Juan – cooperation from government authorities and desire by some health impacts from the complainants to seek remedies through litigation, health study was mercury spill not implemented. (see further explanation in Background section) Land, Soil, Air – impacts In November 2001, the President’s Office for the Government of The CTAR Mesa oversaw an environmental audit by...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Peru