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  1. Complaint > Institutional Reform Development Policy Financing

    Management Action Plan: 57-Management Progress Report on Implementation of Enhanced Action Plan (English)

    ...REQUESTERS Provide translation of the PD to the Completed (June 2009). Requesters acknowledged receipt of this translation. Requesters and other interested stakeholders. Invite the Requesters to meet at Completed (May 30, 2009; September 6, 2009). Requesters also met with the Regional Vice their convenience with Bank President (November 8, 2009). They were systematically invited to relevant events held in representatives to inform them Sana’a. about plans for the translati...

    WB Inspection Panel - Yemen - 2009
  2. Complaint > Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Clean-Up Project, First Request

    Management Action Plan: 47-Second Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Requesters by-case review before the an independently monitored case- Requesters was completed. Albanian Judiciary of the by-case judicial review was signed Five legal teams have been Requesters' claims that they by the Minister of Finance on April hired to represent the nine were harmed as a result of the 16, 2009. The Agreement affirms families...

    WB Inspection Panel - Albania - 2007
  3. Complaint > Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Clean-Up Project, First Request

    Management Action Plan: 47-First Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Requesters and lawyers that they have selected themselves. 8. Ongoing communication with Requesters. The World Bank Office in Tirana has been in regular communication with the Requesters since the February 17, 2009 Board meeting. Meetings were held on February 26 in Tirana to brief the Requesters on the outcome of the Board meeting, and on March 11 in Vlore and April 14 in Jale to discuss arrangements for Bank support through financing costs of the case-by-case review. In addition, there ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Albania - 2007
  4. Complaint > Transport Sector Development Project - Additional Financing

    Management Action Plan: Lessons Learned and Agenda for Action

    ...President sends letter to Minister MoFPED with the 2015 President letter to Minister formal cancellation of TSDP MoFPED cancelling TSDP December 22, Minister MoFPED letter to Minister MoFPED responds to communication from the ED WB on 2015 World Bank Group President cancellation. Minister requests a technical dialogue. December 28, Country Director letter to Country Director sends letter to Minister MoFPED informing of decision 2015 Minister MoFP...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uganda - 2015
  5. Complaint > Natural Resource Management Project

    Management Action Plan: 84-First Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Requesters”). 2. The Executive Directors and the President of IDA were notified by the Panel of receipt of the Request. Management responded to the claims in the Request on March 15, 2013. In its Eligibility Report to the Board, the Panel found the Request eligible, and recommended that the Executive Directors authorize an investigation. The investigation was authorized by the Executive Directors on June 7, 2013. 3. On June 28, 2013 the Panel received a second Request submitted by fo...

    WB Inspection Panel - Kenya - 2013
  6. Complaint > Rondonia Natural Resources Management Project

    Management Action Plan: Management Progress Report

    ...Request for Inspection related to the project (“Request”). Background information is provided in Attachment 1 to this report, and the findings of the Panel’s “Additional Review of the Request” of December 1995 are in Attachment 2. 2. In its “Status Report” submitted to the Board on December 20, 1995 the Management included in Annex D an “Agreed Plan of Action” (“Plan”) which was aimed at improving project implementation and addressing the concerns raised in the R...

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1995
  7. Complaint > Transport Sector Development Project - Additional Financing

    Management Action Plan: Third Management Progress Report

    ...Request and subsequent investigation. 3. Inspection Panel process. On December 19, 2014, the Inspection Panel (the Panel) received a Request for Inspection of the TSDP. As some of the issues raised in the Request had not previously been communicated to Management, the Panel did not register the Request, to provide Management with an opportunity to address the concerns. On September 11, 2015, the Panel received another Request for Inspection (the Request), raising similar concerns. The Requ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uganda - 2015
  8. Complaint > Transport Sector Development Project - Additional Financing

    Management Action Plan: Second Management Progress Report

    ...Request for Inspection of the TSDP. As some of the issues raised in the Request had not previously been communicated to Management, the Panel did not register the Request, to provide Management with an opportunity to address the concerns. On September 11, 2015, the Panel received another Request for Inspection (the Request), raising similar concerns. The Request was registered on September 28, 2015. The Request raised serious allegations, including road workers’ sexual relations with minor girls...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uganda - 2015
  9. Complaint > Transport Sector Development Project - Additional Financing

    Management Action Plan: First Management Progress Report

    ...Request had not previously been communicated to Management, the Panel did not register the Request, to provide Management with an opportunity to address the concerns. 5. On September 11, 2015, the Panel received another Request for Inspection (“the Request”) from three representatives of the Bigodi and Nyabubale-Nkingo communities in Uganda (“the Requesters”), raising similar concerns to those set forth in the December 19, 2014 Request. The Request was registered on September 28, 2015. The...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uganda - 2015
  10. Complaint > Second Urban Environment Sanitation Project

    Management Action Plan: 49-Third Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ07/06, concerning the Second Urban Environmental Sanitation Project (UESP II) in Ghana. The Request was submitted by the Accra-based Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) on behalf of the Agyemankata community, which lives in the area known as Kwabenya within the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (the Requesters). The Request focused on one of the sub- components of the overall Project, namely the proposed Kwabenya sanitary landfill. The Requesters cl...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana - 2007
  11. Complaint > Second Urban Environment Sanitation Project

    Management Action Plan: 49-Second Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ07/06 (hereafter referred to as “the Request”), concerning the Second Urban Environmental Sanitation Project (UESP II) in Ghana, financed by IDA Credit No. 3889-GH. The Request for Inspection was submitted by the Accra-based Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) on behalf of the Agyemankata community, which lives in the area known as Kwabenya within the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (hereafter referred to as the “Requesters”). The Request focused ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana - 2007
  12. Complaint > Paraguay/Argentina Reform Project for the Water and Telecommunication Sectors, SEGBA V Power Distribution Project (Yacyreta)

    Management Action Plan: 26-Inspection Panel Review of Management Progress Report

    ...request that EBY update the screening process for non-dam related c i v i l works to include a quality assurance protocol. Bank will continue to monitor engineering supervision and contractor insurance practices and will request improvements, as necessary. Bank will monitor the system EBY has in place to supervise c i v i l works; request that contracts continue to include required clauses; and. continue to pay careful attention to construction deficiencies.'* Progress During 90-day Peri...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina, Paraguay - 2002
  13. Complaint > Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Clean-Up Project, First Request

    Management Action Plan: 47-Third Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Requester’s claims affected as a result of the 2007 demolitions. The report also provides information on the implementation of the restructured Project approved by the Board of Executive Directors on March 22, 2010. The Bank continues to provide assistance for an independently observed case-by- case review before the Albanian Judiciary of the Requesters’ claims. All nine Requesters have filed cases in Tirana District Court. The cases started at different times between December 2009 and...

    WB Inspection Panel - Albania - 2007
  14. Complaint > Second Urban Environment Sanitation Project

    Management Action Plan: 49-First Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ07/06 (hereafter referred to as “the Request”), concerning the Second Urban Environmental Sanitation Project (UESP II) in Ghana, financed by IDA Credit No. 3889-GH. The Request for Inspection was submitted by the Accra-based Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) on behalf of the Agyemankata community, which lives in the area known as Kwabenya within the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (hereafter referred to as the “Requesters”). The Request focused ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana - 2007
  15. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Management Action Plan: 54-Second Management Progress Report (English)

    ...request was received on December 15, 2009, Management issued a Second Response on March 9, 2010 informing the Inspection Panel that this Second Response will (i) focus on the specific issues raised in the third Request, and (ii) provide an update on the Action Plan with respect to matters raised in the two previous Requests, supplemented by any additional actions considered to be warranted by the Third Request. The Inspection Panel ultimately issued a second eligibility repor...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  16. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Management Action Plan: 89-Management Progress Report

    ...request for withdrawal of funds from the Credit Account as part of the "Financing of Rural Enterprises" component of the Project, with all documents and other evidence required by the Association in relation to any such withdrawal or request. The Republic of Uzbekistan shall provide to the Association all the required proof of authority of the RRA for such withdrawals upon request of the Association, and such evidence and documents as required in order allowing such withdrawals and requests in a...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  17. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Management Action Plan: 54-Second Management Response and Report on Progress (English)

    ...Requests for Inspection. The Board approved the Panel’s recommendation on June 11, 2009. 3. On January 7, 2010, the Inspection Panel registered a third Request for Inspec- tion, IPN Request RQ10/01 (hereafter referred to as “the Request”), concerning the PSDC, which is the subject of this response. 4. This third Request for Inspection was submitted by Mr. Freddy Kituba Kimbwel and Mr. Timothée Lobe Bangudu, on behalf of the “Intersyndicale,” which represents former employees of three...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  18. Complaint > Transitional Support for Economic Recovery Credit and Emergency Economic and Social Reunification Support Project

    Management Action Plan: 37-First Management Progress Report (English)

    ...requests converting logging permits into long term concessions a total area of 22.4 million hectares. The TWG recommendations were reviewed by an Interministerial Commission that included 21 permanent members representing the President and Prime Minister of DRC; the ministries in charge of Forests, Justice, Finance, Budget, Planning, and Industry; the Federation of Timber Industries; a federation of national NGOs; and a federation of national NGOs dedicated to the cause of indigenous peoples. Th...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2005
  19. Complaint > West African Gas Pipeline Project

    Management Action Plan: 40-First Management Progress Report

    ...request. 3. Since the approval of the MAP in August 2008, significant progress has been made in addressing the issues and implementing specific measures. Key accomplishments include: (a) Commissioning of the pipeline, injection facility, and receipt station, and line packing to enable commencement of free-flow gas from Nigeria to Ghana in December 2008. Ghana’s Volta River Authority (VRA) is currently not consuming the free-flow gas on account of the favorable oil prices in ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana, Nigeria - 2006
  20. Complaint > Electricity Expansion Project

    Management Action Plan: Second Management Progress Report

    ...Request for Inspection, submitted by members and representatives of a Maasai community that was resettled due to the Project-supported geothermal developments in the Greater Olkaria Geothermal Area, was registered by the World Bank’s Inspection Panel (IPN Request RQ 14/06). The same concerns brought to the Panel were raised with the European Investment Bank Complaint Mechanism (EIB-CM) as the Project was co- financed by the EIB. 4. Management submitted its Response to the Request on Decemb...

    WB Inspection Panel - Kenya - 2014
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