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Complaint > Amaggi Expansion-01/IFC Executive Vice President Request
...Vice President (EVP)1 of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), for the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (CAO) to audit IFC’s environmental categorization of the Amaggi Expansion Project in Brazil The Amaggi Expansion Project was sponsored by a Brazilian company, Grupo André Maggi Participaçoes Limitada. The company has agricultural, industrial and export/transport operations in the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso, Para, Rondonia and Amazonas, and is involved in the production, processing, tra...
IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Brazil -
Complaint > Ficohsa-01/ CAO Vice President Request
...President. The President has no editorial input as to the content of the compliance Investigation Report, but may take the opportunity to discuss the investigation findings with CAO. Once the President is satisfied with the response by IFC/MIGA senior management, the President will provide clearance for the Investigation Report and the response. The President retains discretion over clearance. After clearance, CAO will disclose the Investigation Report and the IFC/MIGA response to the Board. CAO...
IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Honduras - 2014 -
Complaint > CAREC Transport Corridor 1 (Bishkek-Torugart Road) Project 1
...Vice-President, Operations 1; the directors general of CWRD and RSDD; and the General Counsel. 12. On 20 June 2011, the CRP determined that the request was eligible and recommended that the Board authorize a compliance review, which it did on 20 July 2011. The CRP cleared its terms of reference (TOR) and the time frame for compliance review with the Board Compliance Review Committee on 22 August 2011 (Appendix 2), and provided the TOR to the Board and on the CRP website on 24 August 2011. O...
ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Kyrgyzstan - 2012 -
Complaint > Dinant-01/CAO Vice President Request
...Vice President in April 2012.2 The CAO Vice President triggered the compliance process having received a letter of complaint regarding the project submitted to the President of the World Bank Group in November 2010,3 and following conversations between CAO and non-government organizations (NGOs). Key allegations made regarding the project were that: IFC’s client (Dinant) conducted, facilitated or supported forced evictions of farmers in the lower Aguán Valley (or Bajo Aguán); ...
IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Honduras -
Complaint > Mining Development and Environmental Control Assistance Project
Compliance Report: 20-Investigation Report (English)
...vice would be to make sure, at minimum, that all comments made at the meeting are incorporated in the negotiations package. Others should be incorporated to the extent possible.”106 On March 25, 1993, LATEN cleared the Project for negotiation. The cover memorandum dated March 29, 1993 seeking authorization to negotiate from the LAC Vice President on the pre-negotiations package informs him that the “recommendations and suggestions...
WB Inspection Panel - Ecuador - 1999 -
Complaint > Western Poverty Reduction Project
Compliance Report: 16-Investigation Report (English)
...VICE PRESIDENT, Memo to Director RMT “Compliance with Safeguard Policies” (3 June 1998). Attached to it was a separate memorandum from the Managing Directors to Operational Vice Presidents, headed “Operational Policy Reform: Compliance with Safeguard Policies.” 118 See EAPVP Regional Vice President, supra note 117. 72 176. One of these experts informed the Panel that from the time that ...
WB Inspection Panel - China - 1999 -
Complaint > Land Administration Project
Compliance Report: 38-Investigation Report (English)
...vice president of Huachiew Chalermprakiat University; then joined the Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) as vice president. In 1998, Mr. Onchan was appointed president of TEI. He helped establish and was appointed president of the Mekong Environment and Resource Institute (MERI) in 2000. He has served as advisor to the Prime Minister and to the Minister of Science, Technology and Environment, as member of the National Environmental Board, chairman of the National EIA Committee, chairman of the...
WB Inspection Panel - Honduras - 2006 -
Complaint > Coal Sector Mitigation Project and Coal Sector Rehabitation Project
Compliance Report: 23-Annexes to Investigation Report (English)
...President of the Pan-African Union for Science and Technology, and International Vice Chairman of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). He is an international development advisor on environment, energy, mining, housing, biotechnology and agriculture. He was Senior Advisor to the President and Director for Central Projects Department of the African Development Bank. He was formerly the Vice-chairman of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) of the Global Envi...
WB Inspection Panel - India - 2001 -
Complaint > Quellaveco Mining-01/Moquegua
...Vice President. The Memorandum sought approval to proceed with the proposed sale of 100 percent of IFC’s shares in the Company, and noted that details would be reported in the next Monthly Operations Report to the Board. The Memorandum records the approval status of the equity sale. It is clear that the sale was cleared by the Portfolio team, the Equity Department, the Legal Department, and the relevant Vice President. No reference is made in the Memorandum to the environmental and social 43 ...
IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Peru -
Complaint > Sao Jose dos Campos Urban Structuring Program
Compliance Report: Publication of Panel Report
...Vice President for Countries; Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge; Manager of the Climate Change and Sustainable Development Sector; Manager of the Infrastructure and Energy Sector; Manager of the Southern Cone Countries; Representative in Brazil; Chief of the Environmental Safeguards Unit; Chief of the Transportation Division; and Chief of the Sovereign-guaranteed Operations Division of...
IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Brazil - 2017 -
Complaint > Sao Jose dos Campos Urban Structuring Program
Compliance Report: Publication of Panel Report
...Vice President for Countries; Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge; Manager of the Climate Change and Sustainable Development Sector; Manager of the Infrastructure and Energy Sector; Manager of the Southern Cone Countries; Representative in Brazil; Chief of the Environmental Safeguards Unit; Chief of the Transportation Division; and Chief of the Sovereign-guaranteed Operations Division of...
IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Brazil - 2017 -
Complaint > Melamchi Water Supply Project (MWSP)
Compliance Report: Final Report , 22 Dec 2004
...President, Vice-President (Operations 1), SARD and the complainants on 28 June 2004. The complainants were very critical of the RAR, alleging that it was biased in favor of the Government and ADB. They also strongly disagreed with SPF’s position that reopening a debate on the original MWSP design was outside SPF’s mandate. Notwithstanding their disagreement with SPF’s review and assessment, the complainants decided to carry on with the consultation process. 23. At step 6 of the consultation ...
ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Nepal -
Compliance Report: 22-Investigation Report (English)
...President of the Pan-African Union for Science and Technology, and International Vice Chairman of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). He is an international development advisor on environment, energy, mining, housing, biotechnology and agriculture. He was Senior Advisor to the President and Director for Central Projects Department of the African Development Bank. He was formerly the Vice-Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) of the Global Envi...
WB Inspection Panel - Chad - 2001 -
Compliance Report: 26-Investigation Report (English)
...Vice President of Huachiew Chalermprakiat University; then joined the Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) as Vice President. In 1998, Mr. Onchan was appointed President of TEI. He helped establish and was appointed President of the Mekong Environment and Resource Institute (MERI) in 2000. He has served as advisor to the Prime Minister and to the Minister of Science, Technology and Environment, as member of the National Environmental Board, Chairman of the National EIA Committee, and member of ...
WB Inspection Panel - Argentina, Paraguay - 2002 -
...President, the CAO Vice President or senior management of IFC/MIGA. CAO compliance investigations focus on IFC/MIGA, and how IFC/MIGA assured itself of project environmental and social (E&S) performance. The purpose of a CAO compliance investigation is to ensure compliance with policies, standards, guidelines, procedures, and conditions for IFC/MIGA involvement, and thereby improve E&S performance. In the context of a CAO compliance investigation, at issue is whether: The actual E&S outc...
IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Colombia -
Complaint > Vizhinjam-01/Kerala
Compliance Report: CAO Compliance Investigation Report, Vizhinjam 01, 02 & 03 - January 23, 2018
...vices.”91 The concept of ecosystem services encompasses different types of benefits that people and businesses obtain from ecosystems. In relation to fisheries, for example, these include provisioning services, which are the products people obtain from ecosystems (such as food) and supporting services which are the natural processes that maintain the other services. PS6 also recognizes cultural services, which are the nonmaterial benefits that people obtain from ecosystems.92 They may include na...
IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - India -
Compliance Report: 27-Investigation Report (English)
...President of the Pan-African Union for Science and Technology, and International Vice Chairman of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). He is an international development advisor on environment, energy, mining, housing, biotechnology and agriculture. He was Senior Advisor to the President and Director for Central Projects Department of the African Development Bank. He was formerly the Vice-Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) of the Global Envi...
WB Inspection Panel - Cameroon - 2002 -
...President, the CAO Vice President or senior management of IFC/MIGA. CAO compliance investigations focus on IFC/MIGA, and how IFC/MIGA assured itself of a project’s E&S performance. The purpose of a CAO Compliance investigation is to ensure compliance with policies, standards, guidelines, procedures, and conditions for IFC/MIGA involvement, and thereby improve the institution’s E&S performance. In the context of a CAO compliance investigation, at issue is whether: the actual E&S outcomes of a...
IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Togo -
Complaint > Program to Improve Highway Corridors in Paraguay
Compliance Report: Publication of Panel Report
...Vice President for Countries, Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge, Manager of the Infrastructure and Environment Sector, Representative in Paraguay, Manager of the Social Sector, Chief of the Environmental Safeguards Unit. Subject: Case PR-MICI 002/2010 “Route 10-Finca 470.” Loan 933/OC-PR. Program to Improve Highway Corridors in ...
IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Paraguay - 2012 -
Complaint > Wilmar Group-01/West Kalimantan
...Vice President initiated a compliance appraisal of IFC‘s fourth investment in Wilmar, the Delta-Wilmar CIS Expansion. CAO Compliance disclosed an appraisal report on March 11, 2009 that concluded that an audit was merited. As a result, the scope of the ongoing audit was expanded to include the fourth investment, but was limited to the issues transferred by CAO Ombudsman and originating from the July 2007 complaint to the CAO. 8 Audit Report ...
IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Indonesia
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