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  1. Complaint > Tata Tea-01/CAO Vice President Request

    Compliance Review: Terms of Reference for Compliance Investigation of IFC Investment regarding Amalgamated Plantations Private Limited (APPL), India

    ...President. The President has no editorial input as to the content of the compliance investigation Report, but may take the opportunity to discuss the investigation findings with CAO. Once the President is satisfied with the response by IFC/MIGA senior management, the President will provide clearance for the investigation Report and the response. The President retains discretion over clearance. After clearance, CAO will disclose the investigation Report and the IFC/MIGA response to the Board. CAO...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - India
  2. Complaint > Ficohsa-01/ CAO Vice President Request

    Compliance Review: Terms of Reference for Compliance Investigation of IFC Investment in Banco Ficohsa

    ...President. The President has no editorial input as to the content of the compliance Investigation Report, but may take the opportunity to discuss the investigation findings with CAO. Once the President is satisfied with the response by IFC/MIGA senior management, the President will provide clearance for the Investigation Report and the response. The President retains discretion over clearance. After clearance, CAO will disclose the Investigation Report and the IFC/MIGA response to the Board. CAO...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Honduras
  3. Complaint > Dinant-01/CAO Vice President Request

    Compliance Review: Terms of Reference for Audit of IFC: IFC Investment in Corporacion Dinant S.A. de C.V. / Honduras, November 20, 2012

    ...Vice President About CAO CAO (Office of the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman) is an independent office that reports directly to the president of the World Bank Group. The CAO reviews complaints from communities affected by development projects undertaken by the two private sector lending arms of the World Bank Group: the International Finance Corporation (I (IFC) FC) and the Multilateral Investment Gu...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Honduras
  4. Complaint > Comsur V-01/Bosque Chiquitano

    Compliance Review: English

    ...Vice President of Operations. The site-level Environmental Coordinators report directly to the General Superintendents, whereas the site-level Social Coordinators report to the General Superintendent via the Administrative Superintendents. This mirrors the arrangement at COMSUR’s corporate headquarters, whereby staff with direct responsibility for social matters report indirectly to the Vice President of Operations. In part this reflects the historical informal responsibility that Administrative...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Bolivia
  5. Complaint > Alex Dev-01/Wadi al-Qamar

    Compliance Review: English

    ...Vice President of the World Bank Group. More information about this case is available at Information about the project can be found on IFC’s website at CAO contact in Washington, DC: Emily Horgan Tel: +1.202.473.8353 Email: About CAO: The Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) is the independent accountability and recourse mechanism for the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Egypt - 2017
  6. Complaint > Wilmar Group-01/West Kalimantan

    Compliance Review: Terms of Reference for Audit of IFC - Expanded scope, March 2009

    ...President of the World Bank Group. The Office of the President will have no editorial input to the content of the audit report. The President may take the opportunity to discuss the audit findings with the CAO. Once the President is satisfied with the response by senior management of IFC, the Office of the President will provide clearance for the audit report and the response. The President retains discretion over clearance. After clearance, CAO Compliance will share the audit report and the sen...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Indonesia
  7. Complaint > Mumbai Urban Transport Project

    Compliance Review: 32-Investigation Report (English)

    ...Vice President, External Vice President, South Asia Region Vice President, Environmentally and Vice Affairs, Communications Operations Director Socially Sustainable Development President, and UN Affairs Director of Operational and Quality Services Infrastructure Cou...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2004
  8. Complaint > Bujagali Energy-07/Bujagali

    Compliance Review: English

    ...Vice Pre ·dent and Gene Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 2 Annex: IFC Tabulated Management Response: Bujagali-07 CAO Finding fFC Response IFC Actions Taken or Proposed 1. IFC properly recognized the IFC agrees that the IP was an associated NIA interconnection project as an asso...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Uganda
  9. Complaint > Reventazon HPP-02

    Compliance Review: English

    ...vices. Stephanie von Friedeburg Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 6 Disadvantaged or vulnerable status may stem from, inter alia, factors such as "poverty or economic disadvantage, and dependence on unique natural resources." PS I, footnote I 8. 7 PS I, paragraph I 2. ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Costa Rica
  10. Complaint > Harmon Hall-04/ Puerto Vallerta

    Compliance Review: Compliance Appraisal of IFC investment in Harmon Hall, Mexico (IFC Project #29753). (Complaints 02-06 and 08), April 8, 2015

    ...vice president, IFC/MIGA management, or the president of the World Bank Group. The focus of the CAO compliance function is on IFC and MIGA, not their client. This applies to all IFC’s business activities, including the real sector, financial markets and advisory. CAO assesses how IFC/MIGA assured itself/themselves of the performance of its business activity or advice, as well as whether the outcomes of the business activity or advice are consistent with the intent of the relevant policy provisio...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Mexico - 2015
  11. Complaint > Anvil Mining Congo, SARL-01/World Bank President Request

    Compliance Review: English

    ...Vice President (Yukiko Omura) and the departure of the former Vice President of the Underwriting Department. The new management signaled a number of significant shifts in MIGA’s due diligence processes, the following of which are noteworthy: ƒ A new Economics and Policy Group was formed and a new Director and Chief Economist recruited to lead this group. This group oversees MIGA’s work on assessing development impact, reviewing project-level risks (including environmenta...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Democratic Republic of Congo
  12. Complaint > Yacyreta Hydroelectric Project

    Compliance Review: Review and Assessment (English)

    ...President, by the then existing office of the Senior Vice President, Operations, in the form of general instructions, supplemented occasionally by “Operational Circulars” or less formal notes from the Senior Vice President, Operations. Following the 1987 reorganization, OMSs were gradually reflected in new documents called “Operational Directives” or “ODs,” some of 1 See ibrahirn F.I. Shihata, The World Bank Inspection Panel, Oxford Univer...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina, Paraguay - 1996
  13. Complaint > Downtown Redevelopment, Modernization of Metropolitan Public Transport, and of Government Offices Project

    Compliance Review: Public Release of the Compliance Review Report and final decision by the Board of Executive Directors

    ...Vice President; Vice President for Countries; Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge; Manager of the Climate Change and Sustainable Development Sector; Manager of the Infrastructure and Energy Sector; Manager of the Southern Cone Countries; Representative in Paraguay; Chief of the Transport Division; Chief of the Housing and Urban Development Division; Chief of the Environmental Safeguards Unit; and ...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Paraguay - 2018
  14. Complaint > Anvil Mining Congo, SARL-01/World Bank President Request

    Compliance Review: Environmental Impact Assessment, Dikulushi Copper Silver Project, April 2003

    ...vice infrastructure in the area b) Local m litary presence c) Local or metropolitan police services d) Local pr ivately run security and para-military services and; e) Local vi gilante groups 20. Medical se *ces a) Governr nent hospitals and clinics b) Private clinics c) Private inedical, dental and paramedical services d) Ambula ce services and; e) Medical evacuation services 21. Education fa cilities a) Schools creches and childcare f...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Democratic Republic of Congo